10 years ago
(personality tests) I finally learnt what my type might be
latest #19
10 years ago
INFP- Idealist
turbulent (whatever that means)
tiny fried
10 years ago
have you taken the myers-briggs before?
10 years ago
not to my memory, no
10 years ago
I guess it's a thing? not really sure what to make of it
tiny fried
10 years ago
the myers-briggs would tell you what your thing is for that
tiny fried
10 years ago
it was created as a test to find out how you interact with/work with people
tiny fried
10 years ago
aaand that's about it
tiny fried
10 years ago
it's usually used at businesses to figure out how to make people work best together
tiny fried
10 years ago
you have stepped into my realm, this test is why I was a psych major
10 years ago
because you're a champion?
tiny fried
10 years ago
pff nah
tiny fried
10 years ago
because I thought it was SO COOL
tiny fried
10 years ago
me being a champion just means I make a good although somewhat disorganized leader who cares most about people's feelings and the big picture and least about what's logical and some step-by-step process
10 years ago
I'm an idealist, but a extremely self critical and negative one, how does that work
tiny fried
10 years ago
OTHER COOL TESTS BASED ON ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGY: the enneagram, the big 8, the 16 something...
tiny fried
10 years ago
I can't remember a lot of the names of the more random ones
tiny fried
10 years ago
the enneagram is one I'm a big fan of because it's more about emotional growth
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
Dear we are the same type
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
that 16 one is neat though, I must admit. that's partially where you get your "Land of Celebration and Bells" aspect and class
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