I work in a low income veterinary clinic in the ghetto of the city of Rochester
Which is one of the most dangerous cities in the nation...
I'm used to crap happening all the time around me, but today was a little nuts
A dog came in with stab wounds
And then there was a shoot out down the street between some guy and the cops
They closed the whole street down, there were cops EVERYWHERE
There was a chopper and an armored car
We had to put the place on lockdown
The guy's in custody now but jeez
24 cop cars were dispatched, along with a SWAT team and that helicopter holy crap
that sounds like madness all around
Do I want to know about the source of the stab wounds?
The dog got loose out of its yard, and when it came back home it had the wounds
It was an aggressive dog, so I'm gonna assume someone was trying to protect themselves
I'm gonna HOPE that, anyway
I'm sad to say it's not the first dog with stab wounds I've seen
Is it common for people in Rochester to just happen to have a knife handy when they get attacked by a dog?
i'm afraid of the answer to this question
In certain neighborhoods, yes
I work in one of those neighborhoods
Not that I'm badmouthing my city
I freakin' love this city
It's just the neighborhoods that are ravaged by poverty, bad schools and lack of resources that breed some bad apples
It's why they put that clinic in that neighborhood, to better serve that part of the community that's so severely lacking