Melancholic Dream Tower and Parallel World in The Dream
They're both dark mystery/fantasy/BL
It has a heavier focus on plot than on kissing, though
I highly rec them, they're pretty great. Though they are a little slow and also contain heavy themes of suicide and other unpleasant things
YTGUBHJH if only I were not stuck on my dad's laptop!
It's basically about a bunch of suicidal people stuck in a magical tower and told they have to save some "princess" if they want to leave and get back to killing themselves
you can use text hooker+a translator with it though I guess?
If anyone wants to grab it but can't grab it today, let me know and I'll send you my download of it o7
Oh, there's also a GL route in both games
For indie games, they're /very/ high quality, though the second game was unfortunately rushed and has almost no CGs as a result