Mrs. Khan says
10 years ago
I want my house to look nicer, but I'm so overwhelmed with where to start.
latest #7
Nimil says
10 years ago
i am in this same situation
Nimil says
10 years ago
i've started using an app called "unfuck your habitat" they also have a website. it breaks your tasks down into 20 minute intervals with a 10 minute break between each one. and it has little challenges
Nimil says
10 years ago
it's helped me tackle some of the clutter here
Nimil says
10 years ago
Mrs. Khan
10 years ago
I follow them on tumblr. very helpful. I'm at the stage now where I should have a "grown up" house. I guess I need to decorate.
Nimil says
10 years ago
oohh i know nothing about grown up house lol we decorate with action figures and movie posters
Mrs. Khan
10 years ago
lol!!! well, as it is I'm thinking of bean bags and tapestries. I've got to find an inexpensive alternative to Pier 1.
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