This is very different from any of the other retinal detachment I have seen. Just don't quite understand how she got it... 麻煩解惑一下了,感恩
Diagnosis: myopic round hole detachment. Reason: only God knows; may have something to do with myopic eyes not good at pumping our subretinal fluid (by the retinal pigment epithelial cells).
Treatment: cryoretinopexy with scleral buckling.
ohhh i misread- no myopia.
there is a HUGE difference between Vitreous detachment and retinal detachment
Vitreous detachment - no treatment; part of getting older; see it like growing wrinkles ....
retinal detachment - can be acute or chronic
young people - usually chronic, myopic round hole detachment, or dialysis from trauma. These: treat with cryoretinopexy / scleral buckling
older people - retinal detachment secondary to posterior vitreous detachment and retinal tear, is acute; treatment: vitrectomy / laser or cryoretinopexy/ gas tamponade
28 is not that young; about time to get vitreous syneresis / detachment. If she recently did bungee jumping / had whiplash injury, with sudden acceleration and deceleration of her head,
then can cause vitreous detachment.
She denied any recent trauma, vigorous activity. It seems to be vitreous detachment leading to retinal detachment as per her ophthalmologist. Maybe "ageing" is the culprit... That is scary... 28...
Can constantly using eyes (I.e. stare at computer, looking at X-ray/ct) worsen the condition??
Thank you for the lecture. Quite comprehensive information!
no, none of the above cause retinal detachment.
which hospital is she seen at?
she might have trauma long long time ago ... and forgot about it
these people develop retinal dialysis, and many years later, develop retinal detachment.
by the way, which hospital are you working at?
St George hospital. Near the airport. In Sydney of course
St George hospital. Near the airport. In Sydney of course
She went to Sydney eye hospital
Sydney eye is very good. She will be fine ~~