Notorious One
9 years ago
latest #57
9 years ago
AND NOW! I understand the IM I just got from haywoodjablome
9 years ago
I wanna be like, YOU POS! But. That's so IC it hurts
9 years ago
9 years ago
sometimes they come out aggressive and end with him putting a hook through people's hands
Notorious One
9 years ago
LMAO Jesse deserves everything he gets and then some
9 years ago
only hook can call her a cocktease.
Notorious One
9 years ago
Jesse just wants some love alright
Notorious One
9 years ago
Actually he just wants to know what it is about Rose's vagina that makes men go all murderous on him
Notorious One
9 years ago
Because it can't possibly be that he's a cock
9 years ago
hook's a pirate which pretty much explains ninety percent of his aggressive actions LOL
Notorious One
9 years ago
or that she's Rose
Notorious One
9 years ago
Must be her magical vagina
Notorious One
9 years ago
Oh LOL It's a canon thing. Jesse is always getting threatened with death re Rose
Notorious One
9 years ago
or, threatened with death by Rose
Notorious One
9 years ago
or that one time when Rose really did almost kill him
9 years ago
Technically that wasn't her fault
9 years ago
not... entirely lol
Notorious One
9 years ago
She only killed him a little bit and he got healed
Notorious One
9 years ago
I feel like I need to app somebody who is the exact opposite of Jesse for balance
Notorious One
9 years ago
Notorious One
9 years ago
It would either be Karen, or Oz from Buffy
9 years ago
oz would be the exact opposite
9 years ago
and if that tag was too zero to 90 just give the word, but it's hook and without emma he's more or less a giant raging douchebag
Notorious One
9 years ago
9 years ago
i just realized i put "her chair" no one is a woman there
Notorious One
9 years ago
I was going to say well, Jesse but, that's an insult to women everywhere
9 years ago
9 years ago
My inner Rose is torn between hi-5ing and yelling. Either way that tag was awesome
Notorious One
9 years ago
Sorry that wasn't a heap to work with byt I tried! It was that or just. And Jesse wets his pants. End scene
Notorious One
9 years ago
I'm just sad this isn't game canon
9 years ago
nooo that was perfect and enough. i prefer a lot of actions and thoughts to one sentence of dialogue and nothing
Notorious One
9 years ago
Because I love the idea of Hook dragging Jesse back into the police station with his hand bandaged up with a dishrag and Hook's arm around his shoulder
Notorious One
9 years ago
Okay good!
9 years ago
hook acting like they're best pals
9 years ago
slapping his face. calling him his best mate.
Notorious One
9 years ago
lmao yes!
Notorious One
9 years ago
The look on Rose's face as she's brought out of her cell
9 years ago
Rose would just be muttering under her breath what did you do
9 years ago
"saved your beautiful behind." and then suggesting she pay him back with sex later because that's hook
9 years ago
9 years ago
She'll at least bicker with him for a while first
9 years ago
But that's just Hook and Rose foreplay
9 years ago
he'd wonder if she hit her head
9 years ago
if she ever was decent
Notorious One
9 years ago
You two are going to make me ship those two so hard
Notorious One
9 years ago
Hi I live my ships through Brooke because I play assholes who you'd have to be stupid to ship things with
9 years ago
9 years ago
I shipped Simon with his hand pretty hard back in the day LOL
Notorious One
9 years ago
Simon/Hand OTP
9 years ago
this happened with annie and fdr. only annie was with dean and the dean player is the number shipper for annie and fdr. i will make you love me no matter what.
Notorious One
9 years ago
Notorious One
9 years ago
That moment when Hook just shoved a hook through my characters hand and then threatened to do the same to his nuts and all I can think is. That was hot.
9 years ago
Notorious One
9 years ago
More sorrying
9 years ago
He's such a prick
9 years ago
It's so IC it hurts
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