Demeleier Mods
10 years ago
latest #15
Thank you, everyone, for playing. It's been an honor to moderate this game for two years, and for the time I played in it before I became a mod.
I'm going to miss this game dearly and honestly I'm trying not to cry right now.
I'm leaving the OOC comm open for posting, in case anyone wants to leave a message there, and I might too, but for now...
just kind of letting it sink in.
10 years ago
d'awwww deme goodbye
10 years ago
Ah man. I'm really going to miss this game
✝ gravekit ✝
10 years ago
fjlkjgdjg i got chills/teared up...i kind of dropped the ball with endgame events tbh but it was because it's just really hard to see deme go and. agh. thank you for such a wonderful game
10 years ago
;_; omg really nicely written, kc. I love this.
10 years ago
//curls up on you guys//
10 years ago
Sorry I've been so useless the last week and change ;_;
10 years ago
conference just destroyed me every night
nah i honestly feel you, i had a rough few weeks at work etc
10 years ago
i'm not sure there's much i can say that hasn't already been said, but i'm grateful to have played and modded in deme; i'm so happy to have met everyone here and i hope you all had fun until the end
10 years ago
thanks so much, guys
10 years ago
my only real regret is that my physical health has been so dire that i haven't been able to do much besides mod stuff, but i hope to set up some backtag stuff
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