BOFNaumovski says
10 years ago
ERURI Week #3/ day 3<br /><br />ERURI Week #3<br />Our Wednesdays are always sort of a time to change the pace a little. We present this photo as a great “Thank you” note to our Asian OriSor fanartist community. It wouldn’t feel right to point out an artist or two, or three, as the amazing talent behind the work that instated OriSor inside EruRi community came from a unified set of artist behind “wish upon a star” and “Erase Hate” projects who are also working  really hard to help make the #CCSakurabana project another success.<br />Levi: Delusor [] []<br />Erwin Smith:<br />Photography:<br />Retouch: AVATAR.designs<br />Levi’s hand-crafted Leather harness Plameni DarkArmoury and Stefan Vujcic<br />Other harness: The Forge.rsERURI Week #3/ day 3
A little kiss for all of you... Darkness and light. <3
Redeyefox says
10 years ago
Like it, so warm and sweet ( ^ω^)
10 years ago
10 years ago