Lady Sumoku shares
9 years ago
latest #6
Stereo Nacht
9 years ago
(LOL) And here is my (non) advice for the best way not to feel guilty for not finishing: don't start! (devil)
Stereo Nacht
9 years ago
But one year, when I won't be so busy, I'll use NaNoWriMo to write one of my stories.
Lady Sumoku
9 years ago
You, not busy?
Stereo Nacht
9 years ago
It will happen, some day. Perhaps when I am rich so I can afford staff to take care of the house and yard, and so I can only work when I want to, on what I want to... (muhaha)
Lady Sumoku
9 years ago
You will still be running around in circles. Just with jewel-encrusted gardening trowels and antique steam-powered industrial sewing machines.
Stereo Nacht
9 years ago
Whooo! (muhaha)
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