9 years ago
Hello friends! As part of my final year thesis project, I've created a self-directed research study concerning Spiritual Discourse in Childhood Education.
latest #6
9 years ago
This survey form will serve to investigate the personal spiritual education of participants who have different upbringings, and therefore different current relationships to the
9 years ago
subjects of education and spirituality. If you have the time (about 20-30 mins.) I would greatly appreciate your input on this topic! :-D
9 years ago
Oh dude good luck!!!!!!!!
9 years ago
thanks :-) it's been a helluva grind the last few months, still a few more to go
9 years ago
I tried answering this on my iPad and it kept crashing!!!! I'll try to answer this asapppp
9 years ago
I'd really appreciate some more responses for this survey, if anyone has the time, or if you could even share it on your timeline :-) thanks friends!
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