10 years ago
Doubleplurk but I'll do the throwback Thursday thing too. Meet my minimum daily social requirement and give me something for after class
latest #33
10 years ago
10 years ago
Tell the world of your sailing camp
10 years ago
When you were a young ween what did you wanna be when you grew up? (Like elementary school)
Kitty Caesar
10 years ago
What was your favorite thing in the whole world when you were like 5-8? (Like plush toy, food, etc)
10 years ago
Oh god so I was that rich kid who's parents did/got him pretty much anything as long as they didn't have to spend time with their kids
10 years ago
Bonus points if it was actually mostly their interest and involved a chance for my mom to get drunk. Josh and I are kinda these
10 years ago
Talking dolls who will love them forever and they can mold into what they wanted to be. Hence sailing camp, or well 2 sailing camps, 3 years
10 years ago
Of space camp, a whole bunch of week long seaworld day camps. Like I'm super thankful and the opportunities were amazing but looking back
10 years ago
These were also really good excuses to take time off work and go drink somewhere far away guilt free. So sailing camp? Little boats for the
10 years ago
First one. Forgot a pillow but that's ok I had the complete works of Shakespeare that I slept on and used to avoid the other kids. I learned
10 years ago
To sail and only capsized once. Second one actually went up and down the coast of newEngland and sleep on the boat which was fucking awesome
10 years ago
So I uh kinda know how to sail? Not well but enough to not fuck shit up.
10 years ago
When I was a kid I was 100%for sure going to be an astronaut. This was a dream I kept far longer than was socially acceptable for a pudgy,
10 years ago
Awkward kid.
10 years ago
Favorite thing for 5-8? Hmm, I don't remember much because life was kinda shitty and my parents were especially crazy then? But probably
10 years ago
Books, especially adventures of Sherlock Holmes since those were bedtime stories when mom was actually home or those craft kits you give to
10 years ago
Kids to keep them busy. They had clear instructions that I could follow obsessively and I was always better at making things than other kids
10 years ago
And young me was an attention starved asshole who needed to be better than everyone else so people couldn't ignore me.
10 years ago
Wow that was unintentionally depressing.... My childhood wasn't that bad and my parents really try but are not at all qualified to have kids
Kitty Caesar
10 years ago
Baby Pat was adorable.
9 years ago
You were a presh
9 years ago
Did you have pets?
9 years ago
Well hey at least you became an asstronaut
9 years ago
Oh my god I'm sorry Killian, Zippy is now my favorite person ever. It is now my life goal to have space themed gay sex.
9 years ago
And a very few pets? Nothing big since my parents rightly realized they weren't responsible enough for a cat or dog. We has frogs named
9 years ago
Froggy and sharky when we were super tiny which of course died almost immediately. Then nothing for years because mom was like, they will
9 years ago
Die and I'm not able to emotionally handle that. Then in 8th grade I brought home the old class gerbil since our teach couldn't take care of
9 years ago
Her anymore. Being pretty old for a gerbil she died in about a year and continued the trend of mom panicking and started one of pets dieing
9 years ago
Aw :<
9 years ago
In my hands. I took in my friend's 2 goldfish when she started college, one of which jumped out of the bowland died in my hands and the
9 years ago
Other of which is the hardiest fucking goldfish ever and still lives on our kitchen table. I now have a snake and paranoia about dieing pets
9 years ago
9 years ago
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