SqueeChamber says
9 years ago
odds Dean is in chains this ep?
latest #30
SqueeChamber asks
9 years ago
any takers?
WhimsyWooooo says
9 years ago
so that's a "no" then
9 years ago
I may throw my new TV out the window! I need cable. If it was Survivor our reception was doing this on, we'd have it tomorrow... (angry)
WhimsyWooooo says
9 years ago
WhimsyWooooo says
9 years ago
Aw, poor Hannah.
ZnowFrog says
9 years ago
Dean in chains. (mmm)
ZnowFrog says
9 years ago
Was I the only one that thought Dean's eyes would turn black at the end?
9 years ago
Loved how well Sam handled himself this ep. He had a ton thrown at him (hammer included) and took it like a champ...with Castiel's help there at the very end of course, thank goodness. Hopefully Dean
9 years ago
can start to recover now...looking at those pics for one should be a great way to start coming back to who he really is, at least. Mark of Cain (but no longer its bearer now) be damned!
9 years ago
I do wonder if there'll be lingering side effects, tho...and what the heck was up with that very last scene?? (unsure)
Coug80 says
9 years ago
So it is a good episode?? Jensen directed this one!
CJ Dawn says
9 years ago
It was a great episode, very well done. But I'm actually a little disappointed they cured Dean already. I was hoping it'd take longer.
CJ Dawn says
9 years ago
The whole Demon Dean storyline was the most compelling the show has been since season five, in my opinion.
ZnowFrog says
9 years ago
I agree...Demon Dean wasn't around long enough. I'm hoping he comes back in some way.
Deblu says
9 years ago
I loved Demon Dean! I too hoped he would stay around a bit more. I love him and Crowley together. And Jensen played him so well!
Coug80 says
9 years ago
I did not want it to drag out the entire season but I did think he would stay Demon Dean awhile longer. But the fangirls have conniptions when the brothers are at odds, so I guess the writers decided to wrap it
Coug80 says
9 years ago
up quickly. I did like Crowley saving Cas so he could save Dean. I don't think Dean being a problem as a demon was the real reason. I just think Crowley was afraid Dean would die and he didn't
Coug80 says
9 years ago
want his boy toy gone for good. :-D
WhimsyWooooo says
9 years ago
Zofia27: I thought they'd go black, too
ZnowFrog says
9 years ago
Coug80: Haha..."boy toy". (LOL)
ZnowFrog says
9 years ago
GloamingOrchid: Maybe they still will? Or he'll need additional "treatments"...kinda like Cas with that grace.
CJ Dawn says
9 years ago
I honestly thought we'd see the eyes again. I didn't really believe he was cured. It'd be interesting if he's not, at least not entirely.
Deblu says
9 years ago
Mark's take on the Dean/Crowley relationship:
Deblu says
9 years ago
Now that the bromance between Dean and Crowley appears to be over, the King
Deblu says
9 years ago
of Hell is going through an identity crisis of sorts. “The journey’s a little different than last year,” Mark Sheppard explains. “Last year, the
Deblu says
9 years ago
human element was the problem. I still think there’s a residual issue there. [Now] Crowley’s re-evaluating his position as King of
Deblu says
9 years ago
Hell and his friendship with Dean. But I know there’s a lot of affection there between the two of them, whether Dean agrees to it or not.”
Deblu says
9 years ago
Metalligirl says
9 years ago
Coug80 says
9 years ago
I do think Crowley really values his friendship with Dean, or what he perceives is friendship on his end. I don't know that Dean will ever think of Crowley as a friend. But Cowley sure has a thing for Squirrel!
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