I know it is only in sl and he couldn't actually do anything but it was pretty frightening!
wtf, just randomly, a stranger? That's so bizarre!
"opinion on a skin" apparently means "come and talk sex with me on voice". The train of thought that links the two, doesn't bear thinking about, really.
I'm sorry that happened to you, lovely. Even if it's just SL, having someone's negative energy directed at you, can wobble you a bit.
Yeah, I did wonder at first but I was feeling nice and figuring I can just tp away but he actually did tp me to a skin store so I thought it was legit for the 30 seconds or so until he started going crazy!
And yes, a complete stranger! Bizarre indeed!
He just tped away mid rant as I was IMing him to say that it's not ok to be angry at someone because they don't have voice when they have interrupted what they are doing to do you a favour.
That happened to me at the Slink store. There were suddenly 3-4 guys around me when I went back and I got a random im from one of them asking me for an opinion on a skin demo. His name started with R.
Wow, this guys name also started with R. Did it end in Z?
Sounds like it. That's horrible. I wish there was something we could do about it. I just don't get what would motivate someone to behave like that!
I have nooo idea. If he's doing it on store sims, though, the owners might be able to ban him to save their customers the trouble.. Wouldn't stop him iming randomly, though. Sorry you had to go through it too!
Thanks and likewise. But it would be good to stop it from happening to others. Maybe I'll contact someone at c88 about it.
That's a good idea. I think I might contact Slink as well, just so they have a heads up.
Wow so it seems like it's a pretty widespread problem.
omg that's crazy. You should put out a PSA Plurk and we can all replurk and promote it, so other stores and events can be on the lookout. Wouldn't hurt to give his name so they can ban him preemptively.
ungrateful and nasty. good combo.
I don't even keep voice enabled and my sound is always muted because of gesturebators and people who talk on voice in public instead of voice chat/private IM. It's so much better that way.