9 years ago
[tumblr] i..........
latest #18
9 years ago
i don't know
9 years ago
9 years ago
a kinda-friend of mine is saying that if you haven't been through [blank] then you SHOULD NOT write about [blank]
9 years ago
which liek... you know i guess to some degree i understand?? but.. i guess this goes hand in hand with my last rant about tumblr
9 years ago
idk why i just..... it's.... writing.....fic...
9 years ago
but i guess it CAN be harmful to someone. but.. saying that a certain group is completely in control of what the other group should do isn't... good
9 years ago
yeahhh they're being silly.
9 years ago
most fiction wouldn't exist if people only wrote about things that happened to them personally
9 years ago
like, there goes the historical fiction genre right there
9 years ago
i mean a lot of other genres too but i rp a samurai, so.
9 years ago
but you ARE a samurai right
9 years ago
in my dreams
ghostmagic is
9 years ago
that close enough
9 years ago
yes i have checked with tumblr and you are okay!
9 years ago
BUT ughhh omg. i just. can't take tumblr sometimes
9 years ago
I mean... yeah I can see where they're coming from? like, if I wrote about depression, it would be from my perspective of what friends of mine have gone through/said. but...that's what writing IS.
9 years ago
imagination. learning. finding a different perspective.
9 years ago
so, tumblr is dumb as usual
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