Pinkie ♥ says
10 years ago
Loooord I forgot about this place :-P Morning all!
latest #13
potato boyo
10 years ago
Hi :-))
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
boyo: Hey you! :-D
potato boyo
10 years ago
Fill us in. What has been happening?
Paco Pooley
10 years ago
good mornings
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
boyo: Well... Lol I moved back to the UK for 6 months, hated it so returned to Holland again :-P I've been blogging on and off, hopefully now I can get back into it :-) How about you dear?
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
PacoPooley: Paco!!! It's been so long!
potato boyo
10 years ago
My life is pretty boring. Chilling in Seattle, watching lots of reruns.
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
boyo: Mines not that exciting either in all fairness lol. I am excited for the new season of AHS though, are you into that?
potato boyo
10 years ago
potato boyo
10 years ago
I'm watching old eps of Bob's Burgers... More my speed ;-)
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
boyo: Lol can't say I've heard of it :-P
Blossom Noble says
10 years ago
Pinkie ♥
10 years ago
Blossom_: Hey darlin!
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