9 years ago
So, keanu reeves has a stalker, that's cool and all... Oh... The girl is from my home town of 2000 people? EVEN COOLER! WE GOT ALL THE CRAZIES
latest #10
Delaney Styles
9 years ago
Abby McMillan says
9 years ago
I don't think you should be blaming some girl for you stalking Neo. Just be honest Paytin.
9 years ago
No but breaking into his house and swimming naked?
Abby McMillan says
9 years ago
I mean if that's your fetish.
Delaney Styles
9 years ago
sounds normal to me, that's how i met abby's third daddy
Abby McMillan says
9 years ago
Wait, idk who that is
Abby McMillan says
9 years ago
9 years ago
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