10 years ago
Number of times the smoke detector has went off: 15
Number of times due to cooking: 1(Damnit greg)
Number of time due to boiling water: 2
Number of times due to the shower: 12... MY FUCKING LIFE GUYS
latest #14
Abby McMillan
10 years ago
uhhhhh wat
10 years ago
The shower sets off the smoke detector.. I have no clue how, I guess the steam or it's heat sensitive, but it'll randomly go off after I get out of my hot showers in the morning :-(
Abby McMillan
10 years ago
ours is stupid sensitive too but not that bad, damn
10 years ago
Yeah it's annoying.. I'll get out of the shower, get dressed, run down stairs to start break fast then beeep beep beep...
10 years ago
And have to run all the way back up stairs to shut it off lol
10 years ago
Little⚓ Anchor says
10 years ago
its the steam
Little⚓ Anchor says
10 years ago
just turn on the fan in the bathroom before you leave it to have breakfast!
10 years ago
i don't have a fan in the bathroom lol
10 years ago
Where is the smoke detector located. We have this problem in our apartments
10 years ago
smoke detected is outside my room, about 20 feet or so from the bathroom
TROY says
10 years ago
can you relocate it to an outside wall? like is there a dining room leading to the bath bedroom hall?
TROY says
10 years ago
same thing in the kitchen see if you can relocate it to a wall opposite of the kitchen wall. It's not safe to disconnect it but maybe try moving it.
TROY says
10 years ago
The state I work in over-kills the detectors. So everyday I get these calls from tenants lol
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