I've hardly slept in two weeks but IDC
We'll finally see each other again!
YES SOB it's been way too damn long, Gore
Have we figured out what we're doing on Saturday?
I have zero dollars for this trip but missing it last year for that reason was the worst
I feel bad about forcing you to get up early on a day you don't have a pass D:
I am totally content wandering around the city aimlessly
Not like I'll run out of shit to do
Plus I'm a champion wanderer
I go where I want not where they tell me to /grumps
I've seen all that touristy shit (except the statue of liberty, but what a freakin' trap)
It's a big French lady statue. It symbolizes freedom. I get it.
No, I want to stumble my way to China Town somehow
let's go to liberty science center instead
oh I can tell you what trains to get on for Chinatown
I like science and Chinese food. Why not both XD
ACTUALLY, if you're comfortable with public transportation? The ferry spot is connected with a train that goes to the science center
so you could do science in the morning and then come into the city?
I am perfectly fine with public transport.
because the science center is on the jersey side of the statue of liberty
Because I won't be able to frantically text you when I think I'm lost but am actually not
WHERE'S THE TERMINAL oh wait here it is
WHICH FERRY oh wait I'm on it now nm
hahahahaha I almost turned around to get on the ferry just to guide you around in person
I almost never get truly lost. Just afraid that I am lost when I'm not at all.
But yes. There will be plenty of things for me to do
And now I'm super excited because I finally found people to take care of my animals and have a place to stay so I'm not so panicky anymore
Waaaaay too many friends bailed on me for shit and I was freaking out for a minute there
And now the excitement is taking over so STILL NO SLEEP
I went out last night and I still didn't sleep much after
Is Bing coming out too? Still not sure if I need to edit my reservation for Friday
I know she's sick rn so /shrug
Ohhhh I found a cheap eats tour of sorts
Bunch of recommendations for snackage
That's really all I want to do. Stop at stalls and taste stuff
I guess one could say you're... stalling for time
are you OK reading a subway map? Since you're wandering, I'm not sure what the best direction to get you home
since my logic is usually "wander into closest terminal and find the "you are here" sticker to figure out what train I need to get on"
meaning... does this make sense to you
ugh making things load
LOL yes, totally stalling for time
Here! Still not sure what's going in. Hope to have an answer by the end of the day. Though if I don't get better I might not make it down
At all. Ugh. Fucking bronchitis.
And yeah, I've seen that map before. I'm good with maps but better at getting around by feel? If that makes sense. But maps will help a lot.
WELL YEAH but that way I don't have to tell you how to get out of there. XD
I'm trying! I swear! This shit came out of left field.
"HOP ON A TRAIN THAT GOES TO 42ND STREET" is your direction
I've ridden the trains before. Never alone, but I'm pretty self-sufficient. If I don't have a deadline I won't panic and can find my way back somehow
ADVENTURE because I have no Saturday pass
So I'mma wander around aimlessly because that's what I do best
Weirdly enough, I'm gonna go explore the abandoned subway tunnels under my city today
I'm REALLY fucking excited for that too. Creepy places with awesome street art? HELL YEAH
Most if it is gonna be pitch dark, but in the aqueduct over the river there's some good light
I'm going to stay in the house and do homework. So help me live vicariously through your day
Mostly I'm gonna be wandering around smirking and thinking in my head Turtlessssss
Dorky, but if all goes well we should get a picture by a 49th street sign.
LOL I generally hate taking pics with me in it, but sure
I think there's this obligatory "Ash, you have to suffer through at least ONE awkward photo at con a year"
I am one of the last photogenic people on the planet, so I feel you.
It's really too bad Ami moved out of the area, then we could've had 3/4 of our Turtle team
I just hate posing. I never know what to do.
These days I opt for a Gooney Face. If I'm going to look like an idiot it's going to be on purpose.
But yes. Today is abandoned subway day and peruse some trendy consignment stores for stuff to wear for Con
I already have one outfit planned because I'm a dweeb
Do tell! Or is it a surprise?
JESSIE I won't be bummed about being under dressed for the drag show this year because I have this cute goth-ish outfit that's a dress I'm slapping a t-shirt over
OH IT'S SUPER CUTE. Also I'm vain as fuck and really into clothes 8|
I'm wearing it with my leather jacket and combat boots and when I tried it on I didn't want to take it off
Also I'm sad my Hellboy shirt got too worn out from washing 8/
And now I can't find a decent replacement
I REALLY shouldn't spend any more money before Con but I still want to find more cute stuff to wear /hyperventilates
...OMG. They're selling the Aang memorial island statue at the dark horse booth
I'm going to have to run Someone down to get that, aren't I?
This day old woman will run you down!
LOL ASH you'll be better dressed than the rest of us. I'll be wearing a Minecraft T-shirt
It makes total sense. Thanks, lady <3
And idc what you guys wear I'm gonna be hot
Also BING we can raid the Darkhorse booth together
I need to score me the second Hellboy library edition
Sunday is always half price at the Darkhorse booth. It's never announced, but it always is
So we can go run there first thing on Sunday if you wanna wait that long XD
Sunday is always the day to shop
Yeah, I learned my lesson. Sunday I'm gonna buy all the things
ie every hardcover I don't have from Hellboy/BPRD
I'm not going to be around on Sunday, sadly For some inexplicable reason a friend of mine who used to live in Brooklyn decided to get married on Sunday
Ohhh right, I forgot about your wedding thing
In Massachusetts. I'm like...FOR REAL, LADY? SERIOUSLY?!? the ONE YEAR I'm actually in the city,
So that means we only have Friday to hang out
I'll see what I can do, but bear in mind I'll be getting over a cold, and that I'm way older than you whippersnappers
but I'll send that email out to find out if I'm staying with friends all the way out in either Brooklyn or Westchester
or if I'm just going to airBNB this fucker and let the chips fall where they may
Yeah, you get that figured out
And if you do, I'll make sure you don't break a hip or something, gramma
Don't make me shake my cane at you, or tell you one of my stories.