Linus Lacombe says
9 years ago
one of my co-irkers is retiring; her last day is tomorrow. I am a bit melancholy, for I know I am a better person for having known her. I shall wish her well in the next stage of her life, but I shall miss her.
latest #6
9 years ago
#unsolicitedadvice Keep in touch with her! But don't talk shop if you can help it. :-))
Linus Lacombe says
9 years ago
Luckily, she will be popping in periodically.
9 years ago
stealing the term "co-irkers"
Linus Lacombe says
9 years ago
well, it isn't mine... I stole it, I believe, from
Ceejay Writer
9 years ago
Retirements are bittersweet... I always alternate between sadness and jealousy.
ProfPaperclip says
9 years ago
I stole it from Dogbert
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