It took all of my will power to crawl out of bed this morning. Ugh. Nope nope nope...
latest #17
Apparently they're talking about training me to pull containers. Uh.
My driving record would say that's a bad idea.
"I heard you tried to get a job at M&M. They were gonna hire you until they heard you stole something."
Fuck you, I never took anything from them. I hope he's just fucking with me.
Yeah. It's hard to tell, because they were joking around and laughing when he said it. :/
Oh no, it's a legit rumor. Oh. Well. What.
I didn't even get fucking fired? I quit??
Then "I'll give you $20 to flirt with him. He hates fat chicks."
And "Did you give that muscle man driver your number yet?" Uh no.
The only thing that pisses me off in life is being talked down to, so you bitch can get off your high fucking horse when you are a
mother fucking help desk. Fuck you.
Called again. "This is Betsy at IRR." " Oh ." Placed on hold and transferred. Srsly?
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