9 years ago
latest #6
9 years ago
What are your views, Nes?
9 years ago
9 years ago
I haven't lived there in so long I don't really feel like I have a good enough grasp to say either way. but I am a little surprised public sentiment was No for so long.. when I was there it seemed like everyone
9 years ago
would have jumped at the chance to vote Yes. and idealistically it sounds nice but practically, socially and economically it might be a disaster. plus, then what would they have to complain about? ;-)
9 years ago
I've always been on the No side of Quebec separation for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I think diversity is absolutely necessary for communities. Figuring out how to get along is how we become better.
9 years ago
yeah, that's a good point, too. I am interested to see how this goes. (but you know the REALLY important thing is will I need to get an new passport?? this shit is expensive)
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