shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
Dear James Schwarz, consider this poetic justice, as you gave so many people incredible amounts of shit for lying about who they were
latest #93
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
Is that a photo of you James? really? really now? I detect a lie!
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
if you kind folk will please click through the flickr link, you'll notice that the person in all of the photos used by James is actually a photographer(and a pretty damn good one at that)
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
in case you need further proof, i'll direct you to the photographer's instagram, I am sure you will find his face quite familiar.
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
(photo in that plurk has since been deleted, though I would probably delete it too if I was using fake photos)
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
oh hey, look familiar? Yep! that's the photo that was originally in the plurk, only wait.
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
that's not james either!
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
well I'll be!
shaaaaaade says
10 years ago
Xonxy: I highly doubt that someone who claimed to be living in kansas and going to university was also traveling around the world doing magazine covers and photo shoots. but that's just me
Boo 🐼 says
10 years ago
I don't get why an alt Plurk account was made specifically for this?
Kianna Noel
10 years ago
you have a lot of time on your hands
10 years ago
Schwarz also claimed to be getting a degree in design and working for a firm doing design work in dubai. Not a career in photography.
10 years ago
He also claimed to be half Jewish, half Arab and that he looked Asian but wasn't.
10 years ago
There's also an irony that he had a major hard on for Holden Caufield who railed against phonies and yet... here we are ;-)
10 years ago
You obviously need to get a life going around looking at pictures he posted ages ago online, when he doesn't even log in sl or even on plurk that much anymore.
10 years ago
Maybe we should all start posting fake pictures, knowing there's creepy people like you that will go around harassing our pictures trying to find who we are in RL.
10 years ago
I'm not sure what's going on I've been James friend for 6 years I happen to know he does live in Dubai.
10 years ago
idk if the pictures he showed were fake or not. I know he's not a girl in rl either. But either way, this is probably the same person who goes to his blog after over a year of it being unactive posting
10 years ago
offensive comments and stupid shit like that.
10 years ago
I could care less about how James really looks like in RL I know the rest of the things about him are true. And I know he's always been a great friend and a talented guy.
10 years ago
Anyway this is all I have to say on the subject. Good riddance to the pathetic human being who started this timeline holding for a grudge for years and years.
Eh. I forgot he existed because of not seeing his snooty comments on plurk anymore. I only saw that side of him, the one on plurk, and he was not a nice person from what I recall.
10 years ago
Because last week I spoke up about someone pretending to be a race and insulting mine, I should probably explain why I don't care about this, yet the other issue was important.
10 years ago
I once met a girl in SL who had the whole backstory: she was a woman, she was close to what her rp character was in SL, I thought what she was doing was self-insertion but I figured, whatever. Turns out, she
Cake was
10 years ago
a man. Uncomfortable with himself, he decided persona play was the answer to erasing his identity. When I found out, I made a couple of jokes at him to highlight how redundant it was. BUT he wasn't using
10 years ago
that made-up life to go on public record with any reporting source to harm, insult, or utter slurs. And this is why I am not taking part in calling James a hypocrite.
10 years ago
To me, there's not enough conclusive information to show that he is lying, even if I were interested. A user here contests he isn't, and I honestly refuse to pick apart someone's rl social profile to verify.
10 years ago
A line has been crossed here. And if it turns out that the person you're looking at is the real article, that's an embarrassing situation for everyone. Until then, disregard what James quips about and move on.
10 years ago
I should also add that the race-baiting user I was angry with at NWN admitted on her own that she was lying. I didn't look her up, I didn't research anything. Just thought I'd add that.
10 years ago
And Sands: don't drag bloggers' names into things who are not involved. Calling out a friend of the person in question is no better than insulting the friend by association. Gogo does NOT deserve that.
10 years ago
And by "friend" I mean, "two mutually-added people on plurk"
10 years ago
Sands, you always dragging Gogo's name into things. This is not the first time. I am defending her as a friend. Knock it the fuck off.
10 years ago
I don't HAVE to name-drop people around here because I actually try to make friends and give a shit about people. Don't come for me, bitch, because I can very easily make this whole thing about YOU.
10 years ago
Yeah I do, and I showed Gogo what you said. I saw both plurks. Don't try to disown anything now.
10 years ago
She was creeped out. Now stop.
10 years ago
Don't worry about defending yourself to the public, it's Gogo who you need to be apologizing to. I'm done with this. Go apologize to HER.
10 years ago
Don't fuck with us, then.
10 years ago
It's over, Sands. Just let it go and make your emends and clear that shit up in private.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Fuck you, you alleged-reformed-racist asshole. I have nothing to apologize to you for.
10 years ago
You can suck my mutherfucking dick and go shove your George Michael obsession up your goddamn asss.
10 years ago
You piece of fucking shit.
10 years ago
That enough apology for you? You want some more?
10 years ago
I got plenty, kiddo, the venom never stops in Caketown
10 years ago
Now I already told you to go to the source and talk that shit out. You really need to take my advice and let this shit go. I don't mind cursing you out if I have to. Because with shit like you, it's easy.
10 years ago
Fucking pathetic. Bye, asshole. And don't namedrop the Juicy group again. We don't like you.
10 years ago
this is funny.
10 years ago
Zenovia: Hi to see you here. Can you make me some cupcakes while you exercise please?
10 years ago
Sands: I am glad someone on the planet gets my humor. Thanks babe.
10 years ago
Zenovia: Why are you so ugly on the inside?
10 years ago
Welp. That took a turn. Not sure how someone offering a grammar correction calls for ridiculous insults, but go you!
10 years ago
Oh my comment had nothing to do with anything about weight..I just think Jen tries to act perfect irl and then comes in and riles the pot on plurk.
10 years ago
Calling her fat really? Making fun of her for trying to eat healthy and get better? You all stooped too low.
Gemma ♔
10 years ago
This is ridiculous.  Honestly, I haven't been friends with James for years, but I never knew him like he acted on plurk.  He's a decent guy.  He's always been good to his friends too.
Gemma ♔
10 years ago
This whole plurk is insane.  He's not bothering anyone, so maybe just leave him be?
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