99% sure I got the job at the low-income clinic
The manager was really nice and was talking to me like I was already hired
So I should be happier, right?
should being the key word
Also things in my city are getting really scary
A police officer was shot and killed last night, and now there's shootings everywhere
My neighborhood is great, but it's still terrifying
I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the US, so I'm used to hearing about that kind of stuff, but the sheer AMOUNT on the police department's Twitter feed is making me really nervous
And the news channels are just blowing up about this poor cop and his family
My good friend lives three blocks from where it happened. Pretty scary.
And it's like everyone took that as a cue to just LET LOOSE
I love my city. I really do. There's been so much effort toward making it better, and I hate to hear things like this happening.
Because that just means businesses will continue to not touch those neighborhoods, and there will just be more and more poverty and abandoned buildings which jesus christ we don't need
Yeah. It's hard.
And now the millionaire that's been doing all the improvements in the city just died in a plane crash.
FUCK FUCK FUCK what is even happening? T_T
It's like the mouth of the apocalypse just opened
He has this MASSIVE project that's torn apart huge buildings in the center city and was remodling them into something modern and really nice
It's... not even half done. We are so fucked.
He was supposed to finally turn this place around. Fuck.
This guy was like my hero. Like the whole damn city's hero.
;A; Oh man, maybe there will be some way to finish it. In his honor.
No one's gonna invest in this place if people are still out killing each other in the streets
And nothing is gonna change if no one gives us a chance
"The Purge is Coming". Jesus Christ.
I'm just so scared for my city right now
Someone started a peace march down Main Street
If I wasn't so tired I'd join in