Darkley says
10 years ago
in other news bears do shit in the woods and water is wet Extra lessons helping richest pupils
Natalie 🌈
10 years ago
This was President Blair's dream all along... Split the poor and wealthy even more through the kids. The poorer, less educated would be pushed into 'vocational learning' to be mindless drones and the rich would
Natalie 🌈
10 years ago
be well educated, to run the bally Country and hurrah!!!
Natalie 🌈
10 years ago
Sadly these days, our politicians are the posh education career type, regardless of the party they are members of.
Natalie 🌈
10 years ago
Very few are in touch with reality. Michael Portillo demonstrated that a few years ago when he lived with the single parent family.
Natalie 🌈
10 years ago
It opened his eyes and he became a very changed man, one who now has my respect, unlike the other shower of tossers.