10 years ago
I just want to crawl in a hole and never come out again.
latest #15
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
Wanna talk honey?
10 years ago
lozzy4992: hugs sorry for just seeing this. I just had a rough day at work and ended up crying in front of my managers who probably think I'm literally insane
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
Oh sweety it happens. I've cried three times to/in front of mine. They won't think you're insane, everyone has something going on. And I'm sorry you had a bad day at work :-(
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
but at least you're home and it's over and tomorrow will be here soon :-)
10 years ago
Yeah but it was because I was short on my register. For the second time, and I was just so frustrated and upset because I thought I was doing good. And I'm so careful with the money Im just not sure what
10 years ago
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
I feel you there, sweety. The amount of times I've had to pay back into my till so it balances at the end of my shift is unreal. But it happens, we're human and we make mistakes, and that's OK :-)
10 years ago
Unfortunately I dont know when its going to be, because otherwise I would. But instead we get warnings and Im just so upset over it.
10 years ago
Because i feel most comfortable on the register. I really dont want them to move me.
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
How much were you out?
10 years ago
just 12.25 so its not much but thats my second warning
10 years ago
the first time though i accidentally left my register unlocked while someone covered me for five minutes and woops, suddenly im missing 35.
10 years ago
but there was nothing more i can do but tell them, which i did
Queen Lozzy
10 years ago
Ah, that sucks :-( it's a shame the person who was covering you didn't take the rap the first time :-(
10 years ago
of course not
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