10 years ago
Ask me about my characters' flaws.
latest #22
10 years ago
Tony: 14, 16, 18
Rocket: 3, 7, 11
Brian: 4, 8, 20
10 years ago
Mmmmm gonna skip Tony for now 'cause I'm a little ???? on those
10 years ago
Rocket, 3: Hah. How long a list would you like.
10 years ago
We've got the big ones such as "acting before thinking" and "shooting first and not bothering to ask questions" all the way down to spitting, swearing, and unsubtly adjusting his crotch in public.
10 years ago
Rocket, 7: If you ask him, he doesn't make 'em. Unless Peter is being particularly aggravating that day. In which case, not leaving all their dumb asses behind when he broke out of the Kyln was definitely it.
10 years ago
Rocket, 11: I think he's very dismissive of learning for its own sake. He's bright, but he tends to focus in on things that are obviously useful.
10 years ago
He has very little patience for any intellectual pursuits that aren't immediately and obviously making his life easier right now.
10 years ago
Brian, 4: Not really. Unless an undying love of pizza counts. He used to smoke, but he quit years ago.
10 years ago
Brian, 8: Sooner or later he's going to have to get his head round the fact that assuming the worst (about things and people) is not always correct by default
10 years ago
Also fuck's sake Brian, learn to be less stubborn. Once he's made his mind up about something it's going to take a fucking act of god to budge him.
10 years ago
Brian, 20: He does this thing where he complains about having no life outside the lab but is too lazy to actually do anything to change that.
10 years ago
...still blanking on the Tony stuff
10 years ago
Tony, 14: I think he tends to be overoptimistic about his own ability to deal with stuff and not be overly affected by traumatic experiences
10 years ago
He's good at dealing with them while they're happening, but less so at the aftermath and the emotional/interpersonal fallout
10 years ago
Tony, 16: Does he have any behaviours that can't be justified. Uhhhh, see also "his entire life"
10 years ago
"justified" is such a strong word
10 years ago
Tony, 18: lolno
10 years ago
He exists to make other people's lives that little bit more annoying
10 years ago
If he agrees to something without at least some token complaining it's because he couldn't give less of a fuck without surgical intervention
10 years ago
.....I'm enjoying how with Rocket and Brian it's "well there's this thing and I guess this thing too" and with Tony it's "lol he just fucking sucks as a human being okay"
10 years ago
This is why Tony got weird questions, most of them are alraedy answered by canon. XD
10 years ago
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