Darkley says
10 years ago
remember the original list? you know "The List"
latest #31
kesseret says
10 years ago
Oh yah. Very much so
Darkley says
10 years ago
i was on it :-D thats my claim to slfame
Darkley says
10 years ago
not old enough of fancy enough for th FIC though
Beyoncé Enjoyer
10 years ago
I didn't make The List :-( :-( :-(
Darkley says
10 years ago
aw Xio!
Darkley says
10 years ago
you will be first on my list when i have my meltdown, sod alphabetical order
Anna | Jacq says
10 years ago
Wow, I'd almost forgotten, actually.
Darkley says
10 years ago
we don't get drama like that anymore, its all family rp drama, boring
10 years ago
I think I was on this list.
Darkley says
10 years ago
yes, yes you were, im looking it up
10 years ago
I don't even remember what that drama was about.
Darkley says
10 years ago
it started because she asked to be paid to blog things
Darkley says
10 years ago
and then just span out of control
Anna | Jacq says
10 years ago
I know I was on a couple, but not sure if that was one of them. It's been a while.
10 years ago
Never made it on to the list. I shall bow down to those that have. Exciting times (I remember that drama though)
10 years ago
I need a refresher course. I don't remember.
10 years ago
Oh. LOL I just remembered.
Tillor Swift is
10 years ago
it still around?
Tillor Swift
10 years ago
and yeah, the legitimately crazy people drama is much missed
kesseret says
10 years ago
I don't believe I was on this list. But I did perpetuate the crazy. I did however get jump man lane permabanned.
kesseret says
10 years ago
For some reason ppl don't consider me important enough to be on lists but she did harass me because of my association with scd
kesseret says
10 years ago
Hubby was on proks FIC list tgough
Tillor Swift
10 years ago
I like the conspiracy theory that Jumpman is/was a Linden
Beyoncé Enjoyer
10 years ago
Wait, how did Jumpman finally get permabanned? I missed this!
kesseret says
10 years ago
XiomaraMendes: I'll tell you privately.
Tillor Swift
10 years ago
Jumpman got unbanned, I guess he cheesed it up for LL
Darkley says
10 years ago
there was a big piss takey thing on SLU about it, and people demanded colours and she complied for some unknown reason
Circle says
10 years ago
Darkley was I on that list? I honestly can't remember if I made it on. I remember the dramafest thread tho :-D That was epic.
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