10 years ago
So i have a stupidly hard question to answer...What class do I drop??
latest #20
10 years ago
Aerospace Sci IV P1
Adv PE/Weight Trn P2
Theatre Production P3
English 12 10 P4
Latin III 20 P5
US & VA Government P6
Child Dev 20 P7
10 years ago
I need to drop one class for my senior year
10 years ago
either Theatre Production or child Dev
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
I can say from experience that child development is a class you really need to commit to, so keep that in mind
still a sotto says
10 years ago
Why do you have to drop one? =0
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
^ that too
10 years ago
I am thinking of taking Child Dev because I know how techy stuff. I really do like kids, I want some of my own, so I gotta know to take care of it
still a sotto
10 years ago
I dunno, you planning on going to college on a military scholarship? 'Cause college/university courses are leagues better than high school.
still a sotto
10 years ago
And Child Dev is definitely the kind of course you want taught by a college professor.
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
my high school one was pretty good too. is yours a preschool setting like mine or is it just talking about child psychology and stuff?
10 years ago
We have preschool kinda, and they are teach you child psychology, I know they also let you take robotic babies home for a week and a let you wear a fake belly to see how heavy it is to have for 9 months
10 years ago
Im not very srure what im doing at this point yeah, something like that. College if i get the funds, enlisting if i dont
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
sounds about the same as mine, yeah
10 years ago
I have been doing tecky stuff for a long time now, the theater thing would be really easy
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
honestly I liked going the easy route in my senior year
DK Jump Scare
10 years ago
just because by then there are only so many fucks you can give XD
10 years ago
thats true lol
10 years ago
I think i have an idea of what to do, need to check one thing.
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