9 years ago
How would the purchase of a 3D printer help students learn?
latest #11
9 years ago
How are they valuable to education?
LisaNWOSU2000 says
9 years ago
In a drafting or building construction class the 2D drawings can be brought to 3D form on a better scale.
9 years ago
We're putting one into our office "innovation room" to encourage prototyping of hardware ideas. It may be the best thing ever, or a waste of time, but we won't know until we find out :-)
9 years ago
it's a puzzle in 3 dimensions:
how do you print a jack?
9 years ago
drawing leads to drawing things
drawing things leads to wanting to build things
building things leads to needing a way to make the parts
9 years ago
print signatures so they can be taken to the shop and cast in aluminum
9 years ago
print boats and bricks with the same volume of material to demonstrate what makes something buoyant
9 years ago
print parts for rubberband powered planes - the really slow flying ones might be good examples of science stuff
johndiii says
9 years ago
Lots of good ideas, but whether or not they learn from it depends a lot on the teacher. How will you use it? Better yet, have them come up with the ideas and figure out how best to use it.
johndiii says
9 years ago
There's a great project in itself. :-)
johndiii says
9 years ago
How will you use it to engage their imaginations? Or might using it be a reward for learning what they need to know to use it well?
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