MelissaeKae says
10 years ago
Sometimes it's ok to feel bad to mourn. Isn't it?
latest #15
MelissaeKae says
10 years ago
I just need time.
Mr Bill says
10 years ago
Sometimes??? I'd say anytime it's okay to mourn.! (cozy)
BarbaraLN says
10 years ago
Fly Fisher
10 years ago
It is perfectly okay! We each have our own time lines.
10 years ago
To everything, there is a season. And you must find your own time and place.
It's part of the process (cozy) let me know if there's any way I can help.
10 years ago
Of course it is
Ddaisy says
10 years ago
Flyfisher is right. Each and every one of us has our own timeline.
LisaNWOSU2000 says
10 years ago
here whenever you need
johndiii says
10 years ago
Grieve when it's appropriate for you. Emotions are part of our makeup, and serve a purpose. When you feel sad, go with that. Indulge it. Wallow in it, if that feels right. And when you're through
johndiii says
10 years ago
with it, when you've had the time you need, move on. Subsequent joy will be all the sweeter. And wallow in that, too. :-)
LisaNWOSU2000 says
10 years ago
johndiii: well said
10 years ago
johndiii: thanks! I'm wallowing... I just want to fast forward a few months when I fell better.
DPUTiger says
10 years ago
MelissaeKae: You are allowed to wallow. Sometimes, things happen that really, really suck. If you don't wallow, you may never get past them. (cozy)
johndiii says
10 years ago
MelissaeKae: (cozy) Get yourself some good hugs. :-)
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