10 years ago
It's strange... for many years I never saw 4 oclock in the morning. Now because of sleepless nights I'm seeing it far too often.
latest #11
10 years ago
On the upside, I get lots of reading and work done!
Skip Z
10 years ago
I'm so sorry you are losing sleep.
10 years ago
Any day with two fours is going to suck. That's a normal day for me now. I'm sorry that it is happening with you Melissae (cozy)
10 years ago
Hi there. Not easy not sleeping. (cozy)
johndiii says
10 years ago
Not sleeping is the pits. Sorry to hear you're going through it. (cozy) Hope it improves soon. And good morning, such as it is.
johndiii says
10 years ago
Not sleeping is the pits. Sorry to hear you're going through it. (cozy) Hope it improves soon. And good morning, such as it is.
AlienDog says
10 years ago
Know what you're going through. I hope it changes soon! Good morning.
dragon_harrower says
10 years ago
jingle j
10 years ago
:-( I hope you can rediscover restful nights soon
LisaNWOSU2000 says
10 years ago
ugh. My schedule of no sleep is not for following
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