Simply Rhonda says
10 years ago
I have to report for jury duty tomorrow morning. I have my Kindle all ready.
latest #8
kiramira says
10 years ago
Ha! Dress up like Priness Leia, just like Liz Lemon did in 30 Rock
kiramira says
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
I just got a summons for Oct 14... in the county seat so probably a more serious crime.
10 years ago
The one time that I did have to serve on a jury, it was in the county seat...child molestation. :-(
Andi says
10 years ago
Oiy :-( I've only had to report once and they selected all of the jurors before my group was to go into review so I got sent home.
Missy Bee
10 years ago
I think jury duty could be fun! not a case involving children though
10 years ago
It was interesting. I was glad I served once even for a sucky one. This getting called every 2 years is for the birds.
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