9 years ago
So my accounts have been getting logged into unauthorised and the only people who have my pass (Well had I'm in the process of changing it everywhere) besides myself are my mother, sister, bff, and ex.
latest #7
9 years ago
It's not my mother, my sister, of best friend... I've already cleared them all.
9 years ago
Which leaves me with two things. Either ex is being VERY petty or I got hacked.
9 years ago
Which incidently, my I-pod has been missing for three weeks.
9 years ago
But I KNOW for a fact when I came home the night before I lost it it was in my hoodie pocket and I laid my hoodie of the living room desk. In the morning hoodie was there but not I-pod...
9 years ago
And I fell asleep on the couch that night and only left that room twice, once to make popcorn in the next room and once to use the restroom.
9 years ago
Idk, I'm really confused, pissed, and concerned.
9 years ago
I guess if anyone has an opinion on the subject it would be helpful cause frankly I'm stumped.
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