10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 62
latest #39
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Frankie
Final Noms - Cody & Zach
10 years ago
Recap - At this point the plan is to evict Zach. Donny has been helping Zach try to think of angles to campaign and Zach has been helping Donny think of ways to stay after Zach is gone.
10 years ago
Recap - Zach has been campaigning especially to Frankie because he is trying to convince Frankie that Frankie is next & Cody isn't going anywhere because Christine & Derrick will never vote him out.
10 years ago
Recap - Zach's not really getting anywhere with his campaigning. HGs say he is untrustworthy. Frankie told him his best chance of staying is a buy back.
10 years ago
Recap - Victoria took the pink hat that Zach always wears, cut it up, wrapped the pieces in tinfoil, and put it in a plastic bag with her stuff.
10 years ago
Recap - HGs got a dart board. It came with instructions that said once a week they will receive the darts for a 24hr period.
10 years ago
Thats bizarre, why cut it up?
10 years ago
WTF Victoria???
10 years ago
Donny tells Christine that there are some people in there that are everybody's friend and thus they have never been nominated
10 years ago
Donny tells Christine that people like him need to be used to get rid of some of the members of the big group
10 years ago
Donny- There is someone that is not a target and never will be. Christine- Never has been
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- If Frankie is in jury house, nobody will get America's choice (favorite) I would hope Frankie is top two
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- Victoria is not going to win but she could easily get 2nd place. You're not going to waste your HoH on Victoria
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- If someway Zach stayed, he would go after Frankie. He would not go after you. Think he'd waste it on you?
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- Zach is alone, I am alone and I feel like you are alone
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- Do you believe there was a Final 4...Derrick, Cody, Hayden and Nicole? That's what I heard
10 years ago
Donny to Christine- I couldnt beat Frankie. I couldnt beat Derrick either cause he was everybody's friend.
10 years ago
Donny- Please dont let them know we talked. Promise you on the Holy Bible I will not. Christine- Agreed
10 years ago
Donny- Please dont make me feel sorry that I talked to you. Christine- I wont. Donny- I had to talk to someone
10 years ago
Christine to Cody- He (Donny) literally just pitched to me to save Zach and vote you out
10 years ago
Cody says that it pisses him off when people like Donny talk and act like they know shit when they have no idea
10 years ago
Cody- I still want him (Donny) out so bad, so it doesnt really change anything. Christine- It doesnt
10 years ago
Derrick tells Cody and Christine that it may be better to call Donny out because he might be getting through to the others
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody/Christine (about Donny)- "Stop going around to everyone and spreading fucking rumors. Beat us or go home"
10 years ago
Frankie- I'm like "neither of you (Donny/Zach) are going to win (America's Favorite)"
10 years ago
Frankie- I know Zach is great TV but no one is voting for him (as America's Favorite). It's not "America's Favorite Fuck Up"
10 years ago
Frankie- They (Donny and Zach) have been working together the whole time. Christine- They have to be
10 years ago
Frankie- Why the fuck does he (Donny) think that he is going to be America's Favorite? He is not
10 years ago
Derrick tells Frankie that he wants to go to Donny and ask why he is telling people that they are the masterminds
10 years ago
Derrick then wants to tell Donny that he's either with them or against them, and he will put him up if he's against him
10 years ago
Victoria is telling Cody that Derrick doesnt have one on ones with her anymore and wont even acknowledge when she walks in the room
10 years ago
Victoria to Cody- I'm the only girl in the house and my best friend (Derrick) is not acknowledging me for days now
10 years ago
Caleb trying to hide and listen in on conversations again
10 years ago
Derrick to Caleb/Christine- Zach? Who is that? That's a black and white picture. That's all he is to me
10 years ago
Derrick to Caleb/Christine- I'm sorry, Donny, that we played a better game than you. I'm sorry. What do you want from us?
10 years ago
:-( I love Donny, he IS my favorite. Dumb bitches :-(
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie- For our game Donny has to go. I'm not here to have Donny win half a million dollars
10 years ago
Zach is throwing these flowers out to the audience tomorrow, then saving one for Julie
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