10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 60 & 61
latest #71
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Frankie
Noms before PoV - Cody & Caleb
PoV Winner - Frankie
10 years ago
Recap - the HGs looked for their missing things that TA hid. Everyone especially Frankie blamed Zach. Eventually after Zach asked, Frankie admitted he was backdooring Zach. Zach has taken it well.
10 years ago
Zach- Put up Victoria. Frankie- How do you think everyone else would react? Zach- Caleb wouldnt care, dont think Derrick would care
10 years ago
Zach told Frankie to please not put him up, cause he can benefit him. Frankie said he will think about it
10 years ago
Frankie- Zach just begged me not to put him up. Christine- That's so awkward.
10 years ago
Zach- I have had your back since Day 1 and I still do. Frankie- Seriously? Zach- Yes!
10 years ago
Zach to Frankie- There is nothing more I can say. You have just got to go with your gut feeling. Please though
10 years ago
Zach to camera- My Big Brother life is about to be over. Frankie out of all people is going to put me on the block
10 years ago
Zach to camera- I'm going to be going home. Really sucks, but what are you going to do? There is nothing for me to do
10 years ago
It's time for the PoV meeting!
10 years ago
Feeds back. As expected, Frankie used the PoV on Caleb and nominated Zach in his place. Either Cody or Zach will be evicted Thursday.
10 years ago
I understand why they are sending Zach home but i'll miss him
10 years ago
LexiMorgan: me too! He still has a chance to come back though!
10 years ago
Derrick mentions that someone may come back this week. Christine hopes that it's a praying competition so that Jocasta returns
10 years ago
Oh man i would love for Zach to come back lol
10 years ago
Would also love hayden to come back. I feel like he would make so much drama
10 years ago
and help donny
10 years ago
Derrick- You alright? Zach- Yeah I'm great, bro. Couldnt be better.
10 years ago
Zach tells Caleb that Cody has Derrick and Christine's back over Caleb's. Frankie says that he disagrees with that
10 years ago
Caleb tells Zach that he has hurt his game and the alliance's game more than once, while Cody has not.
10 years ago
Cody walks outside and tells Zach that he should throw people under the bus in front of them
10 years ago
Cody went outside because Frankie ran inside and told him that Zach is talking about him
10 years ago
Zach- You're the one that asked to be in a Final 3 with me and Christine. Did you not say that? Frankie- No
10 years ago
Frankie to Zach- You're not a great talker and a very prolific liar. I'll fucking talk you down any day of the week
10 years ago
Frankie to Zach- I'm telling you right now, dont bring my fucking name in to it cause I will wreck you.
10 years ago
Zach is reading through the rule book. "Legal Issues, Slander and Violation of Privacy" sections
10 years ago
Zach to Donny- I just wanted to tell you to make sure you vote to keep Cody cause everyone is going to keep him
10 years ago
Zach- If you end up getting to the Final 2 you know you are going to win. Donny- Cant get there. It's an insurmountable obstacle
10 years ago
Donny- Do you feel really sad? Zach- Nah, I just feel defeated. Donny- I've felt like that several times
10 years ago
Zach to Donny- Remember how we picked candy out of a hat? We were deciding who was going to go up next to you and throw it.
10 years ago
Donny- Everyone was in there (when they picked Skittles)? Zach- Yeah. I said I'm not going to throw it
10 years ago
Zach to Donny- Please dont...I know you are not giving up but dont. It's possible. You havent gotten your lucky charm yet.
10 years ago
Donny says that he wishes that there were a way to turn the others against each other. Zach says he will help if Donny thinks of a way
10 years ago
Donny to Zach- I found 6 bones. I gave her (Christine) one and she gave it to them (Caleb/Cody). It broke my heart
10 years ago
Donny to Zach- I'll walk out that door with my head held high. I havent done nothing against anybody
10 years ago
Zach to Donny- Odds are stacked against you but you just gotta pull it out. HoH, veto, HoH, veto
10 years ago
Zach to Donny- You just gotta win 3 competitions in a row. I know it sounds hard but if anyone can do it it's you
10 years ago
Frankie tells Derrick that hiding the teddy bear didnt count because they had to hide clothing, but he hid Christine's comp clothes
10 years ago
Caleb is outside of the HoH room listening in on Donny and Derrick's talk downstairs (right now they are only talking about Jersey Shore)
10 years ago
Frankie- He (Zach) is a monster. Victoria- He is. He really is. He's horrible. Frankie- He's very passionate about his hatred for you
10 years ago
Frankie to Zach- You're still my favourite person on the planet
10 years ago
Overnight, Victoria took Zach's hat. Zach continued to ask if Victoria will give the hat back. He eventually gave up and said "you're not giving it back to me"
10 years ago
Also overnight..
Fans yelled over the wall, Zach we love you. Frankie you're a fuck head.
Derrick asked Zach not to tell people that he would vote for him to win.
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- You think "I've got Derrick and Victoria". If he is really in that Final 3 (with Christine/Frankie) you dont have him
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- Derrick has made deals with everybody. He has made deals with me twice and he's going to vote me out
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- You're thinking he (Derrick) is this loyal person. That was Hayden's downfall and that will be your downfall
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- You think you have the numbers. You do until I'm gone. They're going to tell you "Victoria's next". She's not
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- You have to say "I'll backdoor him (Donny)". When someone wins the veto you backdoor one of them
10 years ago
Donny leaves. Cody to himself- Oh Donny Donny Donny.
10 years ago
Victoria took the pink hat that Zach always wears, cut it up, wrapped the pieces in tinfoil, and put it in a plastic bag with her stuff
10 years ago
HGs got a dart board for 24hrs. Donny: This darts set is yours for the next 24 hours. Each week you will receive the darts for a new 24 hour period
10 years ago
Donny tells Zach that it's the saddest thing in the world to know that people would throw a competition to get you out of the house
10 years ago
Donny tells Zach that it's the saddest thing in the world to know that people would throw a competition to get you out of the house
10 years ago
Donny to Zach- Dangerous for Frankie because Derrick has Victoria. That's 3 against 2
10 years ago
Donny is suggesting that Zach try to manipulate Frankie in order to make him realize everyone is after him once he and Donny are gone
10 years ago
Derrick tells Frankie that Donny is trying to drive wedges between people they are working with
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie- The mistake we cant make is keep bringing Victoria along every week
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie- If she (Victoria) makes it to the Final 3 everyone is going to take her. She cant make it there
10 years ago
Donny to Zach- "Your (Frankie's) sister has made you this target. No one is going to the end with you cause they cant beat you"
10 years ago
Donny to Zach- That might scare him (Frankie). He's the most paranoid person in the house. Derrick is as calm as a cucumber.
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie/Caleb- Zach is not going to work with Donny. Caleb- Zach is smarter than Hayden. I'd rather have Hayden in here
10 years ago
Caleb- Cody and Christine are literally...seems like they are in love. Derrick- You heard the zing. Frankie- It's a little bizarre
10 years ago
Caleb- After that zing... Frankie- I walked in the room and she (Christine) is still petting his (Cody's) head
10 years ago
Fans are screaming outside once again. Big Brother is calling an indoor lockdown.
10 years ago
St_Clinton: I'd believe it. Production can't be happy and I don't know how you fix it.
10 years ago
Frankie- She (Ariana) has like 1% body fat. Caleb- My kind of lady. Frankie- You're never ever seeing her. You're not getting near her (LOL)
10 years ago
Overnight, Zach campaigned to Frankie saying he could be a vote, Cody is on b/c Christine and Derrick aren't going to vote him out and Zach is a huge target so people will come for him over Frankie.
10 years ago
Frankie told him that he went up b/c he wouldn't volunteer to go up and the throw the BoB, that he is untrustworthy and Frankie is tried of him throwing Frankie under the bus.
10 years ago
Frankie says Zach's best chance of staying is a buy back because no one is going to vote to keep him.
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