Hotspur shares
10 years ago
This man, MGEN Greene, was my boss. . For those not following along, he was murdered in Afghanistan last week.
latest #12
Lucien B
10 years ago
Holy crap! Like, in the immediate past tense, or a while back?
10 years ago
Needless to say the command is pretty broken up about the whole thing. I can't say we were pals, guys like me rarely are pals with generals..
10 years ago
But I did brief the guy, and remember him for his good humor, courtesy, and kindness. He had style, wit and candor.
10 years ago
Those heartless fuckers... Damn them to hell.
Lucien B
10 years ago
I can imagine that something like that would be very hard on a command. He sounds like a pretty all right chap. A General with a Purple Heart probably remembers what it's like in the dirt.
10 years ago
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
10 years ago
Oh, scrolling up. He was my boss at the two layers up level, and was called from his command early to shift over to the Pentagon. Great guy, everyone liked him. He new how to keep people energized.
10 years ago
Lucien B
10 years ago
I'm really sorry for your loss. I have worked in some pretty hairy places, but I just can't imagine that.
10 years ago
Oh, I could mention a few hairy stories. :-)
Magda K
10 years ago
Sympathies, Hotspur ...
10 years ago
So sorry to hear that. Much sympathy. :-(
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