i'm gonna go sleep for like a million years LMFAO
i see a lot of people are already doing it, but if you have any private convos, please unlock them!
I can't wait for Murder Manor 3: Spain's Revenge
oooooooh so no ones really going home on camera?
no they don't know how to get home yet!
if they did, i'm pretty sure like...at least 90% of the MM players would be gone LMFAO
thank you cappy and siz and aki
YES PLEASE THANK AKI our secret mod
THIS WAS AN AWESOME GAME unlock the first graveyard post
are the kills unlocked yet
thank you so much all of you it was even more fun than I thought it would be
WE'LL GET HOME EVENTUALLY obviously we're cooler than the producers
but yes I enjoyed the game a lot too
graveyard is unlocked now!
I am excited for dk meetings unlocking...

i'm so happy... but so sad...
the plot to mm3 is everyone falling into despair after never being able to go home and becoming the new producers
we can have them remember their past games too?
sure! it's up to you whether you want them to remember previous seasons or not
no they go home I will always believe this because happy endings are my lifeblood
they go home and the 10 back ups get their memories back
no they wouldn't have been in the bags because the producers wouldn't have wanted to give them back
but once they broke free those memories might start coming back
and in some cases they might not! IT'S A MYSTERY
the pillow legacy needs to be preserved..
Thank-you so much for all the hard work, I had so much fun!
no it can't be over I refuse to believe it =(
(I'm so glad they can get their previous season memories back)
but yes I had so much fun with this game ugh

thank you guys so much
but yes thank you so much guys this was so awesome
can we give the mods gold metals
I guess I can put Ice and Fef back on my inactive character list
This game really was so much fun!
thank you for all your hard work guys!!!!! this was great
ahhh ty everyone! i'm glad you guys had fun
yes thank you guys for putting on such a great game!! this was truly incredible
I miss it already
Yeah!! Thanks for letting me be able to bring back Rapture too hehe. You guys really put a lot of hard work into everything and it shows.
....gomen one more question. how did they actually...get out? like was there some sort of escape route through the old mm set, or? like, where is this camp at....
hahaha you can honestly just handwave
i did not come up with the details THERE IS JUST
although by now it's more of a small town really
its built out of dead host bodies
since MM had a ton of people who would be able to build shit really fast
decorated with the corpses of their enemies
thank you so much for all your hard work, mods ;a;
oh and if anyone wants to bring hostage characters they can LMFAO
AND THE AA CAST y'all are lovely, everyone is lovely
it's built out of susan merchandise I'm telling you
Thank you so much for this game, mods!! It was so great and I'm so glad to have been a part of it
omg why did Ryou die before hostage week no fair
yeah i'm sad both the rens died before kouen could show up LMFAO
man let me see if i can actually list the hostages off the top of my head
vera, trucy, lissa, simon, edgeworth, hinata, naegi, dead sister, sollux, okita (probably dead lbr), ciel (also probably dead), len, denmark, fem spain, ro...mano...?
wriggle's friend, mei's sister maybe?
mei's was kouchi sakakibara
yuyuko's was youmu
even more nations are showing up...
oh chihiro had someone too uhhh
oh wait no that was naegi I ALREADY SAID THAT lmfao

Thank you so much for running such a lovely game and giving me the opportunity to come back!
infiniteprayer even though i'll barely be around to tag you should bring hinata
if i had more time i'd bring in trucy but i don't
so in this post are they already in the town thing
you can say they're already in town or on their way, it doesn't matter
oh can we play the hostages too bc i play nyospain
so I can have Ryou make the food he told Kaoru he would for everybody? 'w'
er, Youmu

unless Wriggle would want to talk to her, sorry
wheezes yes ok i'll have to update her icons some
sugarrushing you better play ciel just because i want everyone to see just how whipped sebastian is

maybe the producers got it wrong
hakurei Haha! No it's fine I was thinking of bringing Youmu in for a bit if you wanted to tag her.
and the ciel they brought in is the one from tsukihime
or maybe it's just the horse again
better than the real ciel tbh
yesssssss I would love it pls pls
youmu can finally meet peko notyoumu
escaliers if you can't find anyone else to play lissa, i can make an attempt for you if you want
Len activated then I will totally play Len for
assuming either rin or chihiro knows how to activate him yeah he'd be activated!
do i play any hostages i don't think i do
yes okay, Des can finally have her wish for me to play Len come true hehe
the only one I play is Youmu herself ahaha...ha...
obviously eski needs to change spain's hostage to england
way better than romano come on
i've never actually played denmark okay
I will just tell ran and she will train you
i can play him but if he's terrible don't judge me
youmu and peko should meet tho
ran forced me to play iceland tbh
bye robomay stiles regrets nothing
eski HELP ME FIND A LISSA I don't know any
actually the real question here is
what happened to felicia LMFAO WE JUST DON'T KNOW
our original plan was to have her get away in the end but siz is busy so maybe annie ate her
ollied out into annie's stomach
We couldn't do a sacrifice to bring Doris back in Felicia's place???
he is only racist against producerbots!!
i might be a little slow bc i haven't actually played her I DONT EVEN HAVE A JOURNAL FOR HER RN BUT I'VE BEEN MEANING TO
he is gradually improving
does anybody know the name of the artist who did all of the art in Rin's icons
i need to make them match
aaaaaah thank you thank you I will do a Maribelle top level in a bit
okok i'll tag it once i set her journal up!
she also has to meet Nanami and Kuzuryuu sorry I don't make the rules
ummm peko wants to meet her too!!!!!!!
also peko and maribelle need to horses at the base. i need.
yeah there's probably a ton of animals back at base THANKS GUNDAM

god i really want them to have binky too
gundam and maribelle need to make sure peko doesn't scare all the animals lmao

sorry mei and peko and ryou and yuyuko
rapture you'd better keep up your end here!!!
but yes binky is ttally there he's just in disguise as a normal horse
the link is broken there
everyone gets to ride the flying horse a dream come true as long as their dream consists of susan sourfacing at them the entire ride
who wouldn't dream about susan's face
Feferi is going to start keeping cuttlefish wherever she lives on the base
gundam will feed them to the puffin
remember how fish don't count as real animals
omg can peko pet mr puffin now
also you guys realize that we're sharing the base with eridan right
no eridan is probably a permazombie tbh
nothing of value was lost
lets kill him again for fun
yeah even if he wasn't i feel like his corpse would just mysteriously show up the next day
if eridan actually came back everyone would be like 'feferi is forgiven for everything' after ten minutes
are we going by the stuff posted in the ooc season meme because if yuyuko remembered malik being in her old season.......
hey ian!! you just bumped your head there are you feeling ok
it would fuck her up so badly oh man malik you have the worst luck
we totally didn't kill you off and you totally weren't the only one we scapgeoated....
if we let Ian be the one to stab Eridan does that make it okay
hakurei: Malik's luck is always the worst
I was gonna go off the meme for Ryou's thing
yes all is right with the world
oh man oh man now i have to debate
on whether i want klavier to remember his awful season LMFAO
gawd this was so much fun ty guys /)'w'(\ glad i got toplay with all of you!1
how the fuck did this show last twenty more seasons after that shit
kristoph still hella dead
kristoph is definitely for sure hella dead
hostages are permakilled if they get executed
since they're not hooked up to the game
klavier is the only true murderer here
idk why jenny fromdabloc reminded me but
god klavier look what you did
tl;dr cr meme

i'll put that up now
if kristoph was alive he would have shanked every other hostage by now just to upset klavier and phoenix lbr
so this should honestly count as him saving lissa for a second time
when is DK stuff getting unlocked!11
so for the record murder is okay
murder is ok this is the lesson we've taught wriggle
ylisse is truly indebted to you, klavier
which means he'll just get a, "wow, thanks!" from lissa...
lbr wriggle always thought murder was okay
it was the getting caught thing that stopped her
murder is always okay as long as you're killing a murderer
even in ace attorney world man
bam tl;dr cr meme
swagu I will make a journal and icon it when I get home from work whipped demons are my favorite!!

i'm so excited a dream come true...
when it says they get their memories back that isn't including the 10 back ups right
otherwise wow stiles you got everyone all upset for just a few hours
make it a terrible couple hours for oldstime sake
I would laugh if it was just for a few hours
I think it should be that just for the WOW
I wish I could jump in with Malik rip
Malik just hiding in the camp "why are you here stop"
stabby mckehkheh II: son of kehkeh
austria does not remember. that is probably for the best she is messed up enough lmfao
writing my top level for Ryou I just

he's grown so much
And if anyone wants to talk to half-ghostderp they're free to catch her talking to Yuyuko
considering it sounds like she's hacking up hairballs all over your base gomen friends
wow Susan don't just lie about room service
wow a shower after being dead for weeks sounds epic
i can't thread susan ripping glinda to shreds i have to take it out on everyone else instead
oh no im reading the description for camp and im like
do the MM losers have their own places bc
spain's face when his space is all set up already like ?_?
if there's no showers ryou is jumping in the lake
I'm guessing there's probably like a tub somewhere and a well
unless someone here can create indoor plumbing
sorry my water demigod is from the wrong season
kougyoku can give us all showers!!
well didn't we take over a town
she might try to drown ryou he needs a bathing budy
it probably came with plumbing
I thought 'town' was making fun of the fact that there were so many people now
even the ancient greeks had plumping
i wouldn't be surprised if they had a basic system
well I mean I think we took over a preexisting thing at least
at least, i can imagine the nations sitting everyone down and being like, let me tell you why we need plumbing
yeah we would make it work
it was a long and slow process for them back home let's not drag this out here when we have the knowledge and probably the means some how.
go take a shower, pillows mcgee
every time someone needs a shower may stands there and alchemizes water for them
we have seabass now actually can't he just magic us up stuff
seabass i want a sponge bath
yeah seabass can magic up anything \

ciel is likely going to demand a small mansion to live in so
who is going to tell ciel sebastian got shot in the butt
we are going to have an awesome base now
peko calls dibs on being in kazoo's mansion
let's just all start insisting on more and more detailed mansions from sebastian
athena will be like 'hmm can you make it just like ciel's but like, a couple feet taller'
purely to cause trouble for sebastian
ok but ciel the horse also needs a mansion
most luxurious stables ever
and a petting zoo for the other animals
Gundam can provide the specifications
every animal gets it's own little habitat
bamboo forest for the panda, one of those cross-section half-underground enclosures for the rabbits
a town of really ridiculous fancy mansions
can we just ask sebastian for our own planets
I bet the gravitational pull would really wreck the producers
Maribelle wants a proper castle, not a murder castle
I changed my mind the mm1 people are awful
or at least the moles are
well actually gundam isn't so bad but
he's not he just gets lumped in
madcapjest when it says their memories return to them this doesn't include the 10 back up players right
phoenix dont ask questions and run
also i need phoenix and spain to get along for irony sake now
I think they should deal with amnesia drama for nine hours and then everyone's like "wow I didn't think it would wear off that fast"
and there are probably computers because alice is sort of a hacker
what is happening with backup guys!11
I think you guys should just let me dictate the canon
nine hours later everyone remembering would be HILARIOUS
back-up guys only remember their original season once they've been revived!
but sure you can say they suddenly remember nine hours later if you want LMFAO
we somehow blundered our way into best end
mansions. memories. frands.

this means spain and phoenix have X hours to become friends