okay let me explain what's happening here
we're going to put up a post on tuesday that covers the entire week
starting from then, everything in the castle will be trying to kill you
so this is essentially a plotting post so the players can come up with survival plans
you guys can go absolutely nuts with whatever game-breaking murder prevention plans you've ever thought about doing
tying everyone up in the ballroom? sure!
everyone moving around as a pack? that's fine too
sebastian watches everyone sleep
using the chemistry set to whip up antidotes? if your character can actually pull it off, go ahead!
sebastian's time to shine
we usually handwave why murder prevention plans wouldn't work because otherwise there wouldn't be a game
but we're not going to handwave anything this week
how is tasersing us keeping us from dying
Iceland doesn't like this incentive
your goal is to now make sure everyone survives the week in a literal murder castle
okay more serious question then, what is in the chemistry set?
eye of newt and toe of frog
it was probably just water with food coloring
everyone become iceland and sebastian
don't die, guys. DON'T DIE...
I'm mainly phone tagging but gundam is just chilling ill top level if anyone wants him but
actually considering sebastian can I do a little research, make a list of materials, then send you guys a list where you can confirm/deny that they'd be able to be found...
you can do literally whatever you want this week
are we going to get an ic warning that everything will be trying to kill us
that might be easier than asking a billion specific questions
He can help come up with plots and can announce to everyone that we expect this to happen but y'all should come up with the plans
Yeah ok I'll post a top level warning everyone
yeah gundam will announce that this is probably what's going to happen this week, they're going to try to pull another athena and they don't care who it is
WELL... some of the stuff i'm not sure if it's even in the castle, like with the cold packs HAHA
But is there a chandelier that can fall down on somebody
and then during the actual week, there will be mod tags
we need to knock those down
reading the settings page
...wow could iceland actually be useful
are nanami and maya still immune?
and figuring out what you can destroy
or what can be used to kill you or protect you from being killed
iceland is good at paranoia, that and fishing are his skills
everyone just spend all your time outside
nanami and maya are still immune yes
no I feel like that might be a bit much
away from trees that might be able to fall on you
Apollo will suggest using the elephant bomb
immune does not mean they are immune from murder though
and they'll have turned it into a nuclear bomb
yes but if they die there will be no trial okay
I'm not sure people should go in the passages that might be a good way to get locked in and killed
it could be a double kill or they could be set up as 'murderers'
(i say this because maya will probably die)
and a grenade will fall down when they open the door
we should probably all sleep in a big group
iceland is going to suggest not even bothering with the rooms tbh
they're going to try to kill you all anyway
unless sea bass stalks her
and i also highly suggest thinking about what to do for food
what about food is all the food poisoned are we going to have to survive on gundam's ability to summon rats
tell him that he's summoning them so we can play with them
time to eat puffin--wait no
then knock him out and feast
who cares about breaking the animal abuse rule
I am worried about the rats being poisoned
you guys could go off and kill rabbits and squirrels and the only thing you'll have to deal with is gundam getting mad
we should ahve guessed it was gundam the moment that rule was introduced god
yeah we don't need to follow the rules generally right cappy?
but gundam would be really mad if you actually hurt any animals
there are no rules you will be executed for if you break at this point
except fish which aren't cute
because they can only execute rulebreakers during trials
and as long as someone doesn't die, there won't be a trial
Pretty sure we're out of fish now though =(
so make sure someone doesn't die
yeah I wouldn't trust any fish they restocked...
no the fish are back, everything in the castle is back to normal
but yeah do you really trust that.....
do you really trust going out into the lake at all
you can last a week without eating
it's a lake filled with blowfish
Iceland can identify poisonous fish if that helps
a sea monster rises from the depths of the lake
it's frightening how quickly you can spell that
the paranoid people need to share
dishonorable survival is OK too
we should probably just get rid of our weapons too
either that or carry them around literally 100% of the time
yeah they have a possibility of backfiring
also... showering and toilets...
i wouldn't use them because i was like "we could go hunting" and then I was like "wait they would backfire i'm like 100% sure"
your stupid sponsorships are still there
we need to get rid of that elephant
but the whole 'if you try to destroy it it'll just come back' rule no longer applies
that needs to be done sunday night tbh
set it off in the forest and pick up the rabbit corpses
no that elephant will be so useful it will in no way backfire!!
actually why are we even bothering with the ball
we should get rid of everything before 9pm
if we bury it it might mysteriously start leaking poison gas
yeah the ball is just meant to be a place where you can gather and discuss
we should dump the poison gas and elephants before the murder begins
but i don't think anyone is going to bother dressing up for it lmao they didn't even bother with a new theme this time
we can all fucking skip the ball
They could have done greek mythology but no
dump things off the cliff before murder starts
and then never go near the cliff again
ill be really slow though
in athena's honor everyone just gather in the foyer in pajamas to make your plans
so the ball is our meeting mingle area
i would....maybe pick a different place than the one the producers all expect everyone to show up at......
at the stroke of 9 the floor drops into a bottomless pit
oh okay we are totally skipping the ball then
are the poisonous plants still burned down
isn't the garden like a burned wasteland now
yeah gundam's announcement is at 1PM in the foyer
before the producers will be allowed to act
should we use gundam's announcement like the mingle or make our own top levels
you can reply to his announcement but i'd make your own top level for making specific plans
yeah basically treat this like a trial plurk!
only instead of theories on who done it, it's theories on how to not die
also do the weapons still respawn
if so let's use apollo's bomb to blow up the entire castle
no the sponsorships won't respawn anymore
those will respawn if you completely destroy them
okay everywhere except the servant's wing
well as long as we just completely avoid our rooms it won't matter
you can refuse room cleaning but.....that's not a guarantee.....
this show has become survivor in a literal way
lmao i really think people should be like
wow i wonder what gundam's shsl skill is
if he's from nanami's school
is he some kind of wizard or manga fan or what
and then it's just...hamsters...
are his hamsters still alive
super high school level nerd
hahha the hamsters should not still be alive
gyahaha! the dark gods of destruction never die! these just may be different ones
if they're still alive it's because it's a show regain and they won't die
but i've just avoided...mentioning it...
if they are alive they're with sonia
none of the animals are allowed to die
the thing is because of sdr2 spoilers
the status of the hamsters is pretty awkward anyway
they also probably wouldn't have been alive at the point they entered the program
so they may be like. fake virtual hamsters who will never die. who knows.
Maybe the hamsters are like Nanami
what ARE we going to do for water
use maya as a taste tester
nothing is dangerous right now because the producers' goal is to force a trial
and if anyone dies before 9 no trial will be held
So basically stockpile as much stuff as we can now?
that would be a good idea!
oh okay we can just stockpile
Incidentally is there anything edible like mushrooms or berries in the woods?
I think we should have more than one safe spot
since they could gas a room and drive us out
there are mushrooms and berries in the woods
I mean that's what I'd do as a mod if the players all holed up in one place...
whether they're edible is a whole other question
okay but are there burgers
yes there is a burger tree
but at dinner or TEA TEAM IDK
maya's going to stuff her face before the ball
Since Wriggle pretty much lived in a forest her whole life can I get away with her identifying what they can eat and what they can't or would it all be foreign to her?
surely it'll last her three days at least
this is how digestion works right
yeah she'd be able to identify things!
i totally forgot about a meeting w h o o p s but I'm back to spout tinhat level craziness with sebastian

are there burgers at lunch though cappy I MUST KNOW
join iceland in paranoia spreading, seabass
there would be the normal food at lunch and dinner yes
paranoia spreading successful
what if the burgers at lunch are super slow acting poisoned and you die 48 hours later
it's okay there'd be no trial if maya died anyway
okay now apollo definitely needs to get rid of the bomb he's not gonna risk everyone's life with that thing
she's going to offer herself as a guinea pig
is the dungeon deep enough that it won't blow our our floors tho
should be, it's below the armoury
you have to do it right under sebastian so shrapnel from the floor flies up and lodges in his butt
throw the elephant off the cliff
throw the castle off the cliff
i thought that was the servant wing he definitely doesn't want to touch that BUT YES will go ask
which has more of a chance of killing us 8|aaa
no one go under the portcullis ever
I think the fence would make it bounce back at them
i didn't even know what a portcullis was
I am trying to think of all the things I would do if I were modding
bookshelves are dangerous, man
well the bomb is controlled via remote
he can set it off once they're a good distance away
if only a bookshelf hadn't fallen on him he would have totally stayed conscious through that grenade explosion
or just. press it there i guess BUT LET'S HOPE HE WOULDN'T
we should probably just assume every single stair that exists is greased
i hope sebastian gets to make a campsite because I'm hilariously prepared for this because of the other game he's in
pee in the woods apollo gosh
look i had to get this in before Apollo Apolloed
Maybe he isn't going to apollo this time gosh!1
how do we wash our hands 8(((!
how many people have realized they can't be in the bathrooms alone yet
we'll make a camping toilet
death is preferable to someone watching you poop
we have a lot of good people alive for this somehow
out of rocks
researching that post was so fun
i learned so much about how creative people could be
where is step 14: find and locate plush 100-ply toilet paper
well we can just take the stuff from the bathrooms now...
before they poison the toilet paper
we should make a safe path to the servants' wing door for when we need to go storm it
also probably no one should touch anyone else because they gave us death touch that one time
I assume they did but I don't put it past them giving it to us again
death touch is gone! it only lasted until a murder happened
now they have death breath whenever you breathe same air someone else did you die
let's just dismantle the entire castle
what if they infect mr. puffin with rabies and he attacks iceland i think we need to quarantine mr. puffin
what if we just eat mr. puffin now just in case
u wanna fite apollo
well he can't be killed for it now
oh no i need to see mr. puffin and gundam
just ftr. that needs to happen
okay slow on tags going through setting and make a list of all the stuff they need to dimantle/burn/break
the only thing he is unsure of is the library HE REALLY WANTS TO SET IT ON FIRE but how to stop the fire
he just doesn't want anyone to accidentally get trampled
he's gonna burn so much stuff
Apollo is not allowed to burn anything
Apollo needs to be put on a leash
oops couldn't hear you through you being dead kazoo
he'll make food once he makes sure everything is burned to the ground!1
also for safety they could drive a lot of stuff to lake and set in on fire in a boat

bigger stuff like shelves and what not just. burned in the castle or in the gardent
what if it's just himself
he may end up blowing up the baths unless someone has a better option :|a
i'm kind of thinking setting entire rooms on fire isn't an excellent idea
prooobalby not since i don't think we have any fire extinguishers
but he will drag every bookshelf out of there gdit
well we do have one fire extinguisher, technically
Someone is going to have to stop Maribelle from riding this week
she has already thought of six different ways she could be killed in the stables or on horseback
yeah the horses definitely aren't gonig to contract horse rabies
okay that rules out most of the ways she could be killed by horses
she's safer on a horse okay guys what if we need to move 8 spaces in one turn
maybe she can heal horse rabies
giving the horses rabies would be against the rules she is going to rely on that
the horses probably love her the most by now right they would never betray her
i guess maybe they could keep one. horse with them
to make sure they don't drug it or something
okay horse tastes even worse than bear
that gives me such a great idea
wild bear in the forest yes
we are not eating horse- LEAVE THE HORSE ALONE
oh okay yes absolutely have a bear in the forest
only if i can blow up the bear
i had a bear appear in HG too and may had a panda in MM THE BEAR TRADITION MUST CONTINUTE
no Nanami can sit behind her it will be cute
did serena have a bearmon
okay i googled horse rabies
i may or may not be too drunk to mod
...no i feel like i'm going to look back on this when i'm sober and still think it's a great idea
peko's first fluffy animal don't you dare take that away
are we going to get a zombie episode
only instead of zombies we're fighting rabid horses
rabid horses and plague ghosts
peko thought she had nothing more to lose
god damn this is going to be the week Maribelle finally dies
there's s joke here somewhere about kazoo and being hunge like a horse
maribelle don't you dare get rabies
but yes she will not check on the horses
hey if Gundam goes with her they probably have enough animal taming skill points between them to cure horse rabies
Okay but is there a literal plague ghost that can haunt them now
bring lithuania back for a guest appearance
if the plague ghost coughs on them does that count as a murder
raise the corpses in the corpse garden as zombies
zombie victims
poor sweet innocent zombie kougyoku
that is so much better than the endgame we had panned tbh
cappy i'm going to have sebastian make a fucking fortress if we have to deal with zombies and rabies horses
but who will be the zombies and also combat mod tags are the asbotlue worst to do
so people will have to play the zombies themselves
peko you're safe you don't have a body
at least you guys don't have to fight zombie peko
yeah....yeah no that's true
zombie shsl swordswoman you guys would be fucked
zombies would not be any fun with kaoru or sebastian around
okay guys time to kill them both off

i'm making a goddamn fortress against you cappy!!!
maybe endgame this time will be that you can revive the entire graveyard but they all come back as zombies and plague ghosts
you know actually sebastian would totally expect that
sebastian, go get rid of the corpses
just because it's what happens in canon
he doesn't know why people want to revive the dead so much
sebastian salting the earth
it doesn't turn out well....
and then the zombies bit sebastian on the butt and turned him into a butt zombie
and then they barfed on him for good measure
Sippycup i'm going to bed but tomorrow do you wanna blow up the baths with apollo?? also burn things
SUP EVERYONE I'm going to draw a picture of this but how does
this sound for camp murder...
too bad bernkastel isn't here, this would have been the perfect opportunity for an 'elegant dump in the woods' reference
oh also i just got back but
i'm serious gundam will stop anyone from hurting any animals
if it's legit necessary for food than ok but

sending animals at them is a bad idea
if the producers send dangerous animals like
they're only fucking themselves over
you're only ensuring gundam will be riding a bear into battle
but does camp murder look okay lmao... DID I FORGET ANYTHING because i almost forgot bathroom things
to an extent!! sebastian will veto certain things, like no weapons obviously... and iceland can't bring his whole library LMAO
gundam has to ride into batte on a bear now
well it was brought up that if it's not something you can carry with you on your person 100% of the time it could be used in a frame/as a murder weapon
yep! he won't want them in the chest
you can bring a weapon if you can carry it with you all the time, but no weapons in the chest
i say "can" but that's just sebastian's opinion and he can be vetoed tbh... but he would think it's a bad idea
he has a valid point though
nanami's collection of things from dead people

i was surprisingly prepared for this moment
somehow a lot of people well-suited to this survived but then there's also like
hopefully she will survive a week without proper plumbing
i was laughing about this last night tbh... like think about how this week would go if peko (or anyone else) had scapegoated sebastian, there would be no camp murder
yeah same. we wound up with a pretty good survivor pool
glinda can just smell herself, faint every day, and be caught by everyone except Klavier
you're welcome everyone
glinda is the ultimate survivor
she'll be one of those people who goes camping with a queen-sized mattress and canopy an electric generator TV and Internet
out survive them all glinda
the phrase dishonor on your cowru
was just mentioned in the graveyard, i feel it needs to be shared here
sebass is my contribution to the game
ME unless sasstria counts.
i have pekopon i think that's the only one
austria is the empress tho
what about fef's fish puns for everyone
also I call nanami naners and nanus and nanamers
glinda you were supposed to nickname maya
Maribelle needs one besides sweetheart and prissy bitch
ghostderp doesn't count i heard that one years ago