also hahaha brb dinner real fast
remember that time you were wondering whether Austria could get the host executed
no shhh it ok kelly maybe we get him now
kelly you almost killed stiles yourself
lmao wighty were you actually surprised
when you started making comments about how the host was claiming to command all the rats in the castle
i thought you for sure had figured it out
nanami's reaction is killing me
sneak poland back in quick
yeah no stiles is permadead sorry
oh i was wondering why i was tlaking to myself on the other plurk
he's not a player so he doesn't get the graveyard
NO I didn't guess I didn't actually ever think old players would be involved I was just like 'gosh it's funny someone else obsessed with animals haha totally not related'
the bandages and the stiffness and the animals darn I feel really dumb for not actually believing it now
and then I joked that it was Marlowe in disguise becaues that was Siz's character and Siz was like 'I finally get to play the Host!!!'
I fell for Siz's machinations two games in a row.......
stands awkwardly to one side with kelly and wighty
i'm laying on the floor mel don't step on me
well okay I guess stands awkwardly to one side with wighty while kelly is on the floor
where are all the other players to burst in through the roof at the last minute
didn't stiles hate spain though
he was just jealous of his killer abs
there's still time i'm responding with my susan journal!!!
oh god i'm in so much pain why this
ugh sudden flashbacks of that thread with lydia at the end of mm1 you were supposed to live happily ever after with her stiles >=( >=( >=(
this is what we get for not turning the lights out in time or h/e that worked
stiles would appreciate burgers
we can still save him maribelle get a valkyrie staff >=(
okay dinner for real i'll make a comment soon revealing the most closely guarded secret of this game
the secret identity of host 2.0
also the biggest twist here is that kaoru is crying over stiles
plot twist it's marlowe pretending to be gundam
what if we scapegoated kaoru earlier would stiles have been like WHOOPS your hands must have slipped vote again
oh my god did kaoru have his memories the entire fucking time
the ccers are going to come back into focus right?
so many regrets I didn't play Susan again this game
/BSers screaming in the distance
ikr I feel incredibly left out
haha I don't think Spain or Rin remembered though
Rin wouldn't have committed that murder for sure
cappy why didn't stiles eat maya's burgers
also she died really early in her game and most of these people she didn't have cr with
Stiles and Gundam were people I tagged with Beat :T
also we kind of... let her be erased.......

yeah good job jerks
why is this my only lineface emote
it was never meant to be the host was in love with spain remember
when glinda hugged him he was like "am I finally a 10"
wow so that's why spain got special treatment
gas mask knocks it down to 4 sorry
yeah post-mm gundam kind of partially got over his touch issues
after several touching games of Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle
let's hug gundam
can I update the cr chart or should I wait
group hug everyone express your feelings about how sorry you are
gundam also wrote that kuzuryuu...
well he didn't know what he would do he just wanted him to fucking do something
i just got back from work
yes full approval of that thing
god that's why it was worded the way it was, wasn't it
the letter like, specifically says 'you should just shit around and hope you don't die and it all turns out ok'
in his own, weird gundam way
omg i feel like i'm missing stuff /BOOKMARK
mypoorsoup: for the record, this whole thing has made her become a notch more obsessed with him
why is he so interesting!!! he's a giant shithead!!!
i'm waiting for cappy to get back on a couple plot notes so may be slow
can I put up a new cr chart sheet now?
help i'm laughing at his last sentence
should I put gundam on the chart?
things you guys missed from the first game: gundam talking like this constantly
and also I guess the plot
no but real talk where are the four dark gods of destruction
it's been three years, jade
hamsters do not live that long
yes go ahead and put it up
realistically they would be dead
but i just have...not...mentioned it...
kaoru's been smuggling him buns the whole time though
i just have to say all of maya's comments about how the host should get a life
are still completely accurate since it's Stiles
looks at host relations in a new light now
stiles was so rude to reject her burgers god
if it's been three years I'm guessing he found out maybe probably
"sorry gundam you caused the apocalypse in a different universe"
maya was team stiles all along
i'm sad they didn't sass off
oh whoops didn't see that
sonia was from after the fifth case
so he kind of knew some stuff? and they'd put it together a little bit
kuzuryuu still te only one with the whole fucking story
sonia...would probably have more of a reaction to it but
he's kind of like...none going to be that affected by it
unless it turned out he was cruel to animals or something
gundam was put in charge of a fur coat factory under junko's command
'yeah...caused the apolcalypse...sounds right. haha i was sure embarrassing in my youth'
when he succumbed to the darkness of his destiny
god kaoru was the protag all along
I remember one of the first threads I had was with Iceland
and Glinda came out of it convinced that they were all in an asylum for the criminally insane
kaoru really was poor and sweet and innocent the whole time
totally knew the twist eight weeks in advance not an accident or anything
biggest plot twist of all
and lmfao stiles got so buttmad at maya because he obviously couldn't take his mask off during trials or eat at all so he was basically starving for two days stright
and she kept shoving delicious burgers in his face!!
he should have saved them for later gosh stiles
she would have covered his face with something so he could eat
stop whining stiles she sensed your hunger
im still in shock guys i dont know how to catch up anymore im just like
THE FAVORITISM........... THE NOTE.............
oh god hahaha yeah you know what the host was so nice to spain
like we actually had a thread
where stiles just broke the fuck down sobbing in the servant's wing while spain was dying and glinda was screaming at him to come help
eski if you don't let us read the note we will all cry
the note was supposed to hurt you how dare you turn it against me like this
no one understands i have basically been biting on my finger to keep the note a secret NO IT WILL BE A SECRET UNTIL END GAME
cappy i hope you kept a cr chart for stiles thoughts on everyone
i want to see transformation over the weeks
outside of the former MM1 players, apollo and nanami are his favorites and he got a lot more fond of maya
week 1: these fucking morons
week 2: these fucking morons
gundam and wriggle is cr i never knew i needed
because maya got spain to care about the host!!!
maya got everyone to
implying it was still not week 5: these fucking morons
what was week 5 I can't even remember anymore...
no it was phoenix wright you are the biggest fucking moron
yeah kaoru and stiles had meetings every week where they just bitched about all the players
i knew he liked maya!! HA!!
mourning the loss of susan
go back to your own season jeez
we don't need answers we just need to blow more things up
yeah....yeah apollo blowing up the smoking room was pretty much the first time the two of them were like 'wow this season might not be so terrible after all'
mm1 was 'let's think about this logically' mm2 is 'how can we cause the most destruction without getting executed for it'
and the host pretended to be upset rude
no wonder maribelle topped him so easily
no one wants season forty-seven opinions anyway
god how buttmad was gundam though
shaking his fist at sebastian in the servant's wing
and wow mel we can still kill denmark if that's how you feel!!
stiles did not die for this
u better unlock all this stuff
no wonder he allowed the great seab ass shooting
look there is not much for ice to do at this point except I guess wait for s47 to save everyone let him say what he wants
i have to say i'm really glad i spent all this time having maya harass the host(s)
cats are really important
I felt bad for spamming your inboxes but now I don't
but the statistics for getting away with murder here are really shitty
no wonder they were so tsun
i'm just having revelations all over this plurk
peko tried her hardest ok
the moment the game ends all the secret servant's room conversations absolutely need to be unlocked
my mind is still not recovered from this revelation
they're so awful i'm not joking when i say they were literally just kaoru and stiles snarking about everything and missing susan while gundam terrified them with rats
i will read 100 page of that though
your three incredibly badass moles everyone.........
they match our incredibly badass dks
i was wondering why all the bunnies
i like how this season seemed to be comprised more of nerds
the nerd to non nerd ratio is astounding
yeah.....yeah it's true..................
there was like a whole second more plot-relevant game going on
um peko is not a nerd!!!!!!!!!!
peko is just the tool of a nerd
glinda is too popular to be a nerd
singing is for cool people
lmfao fuck that's it. there she is.
not even the most useful of tools, the calculator. she's a protractor.
all the non nerds died early
i'm crying lmfao fuck help me
and we were left with a castle full of nerds
mei standing in a sea of nerds
unless you count greasing a staircase nerdish
no i think mei counts as a nerd
wriggle standing in a sea of nerds
also do i need to send england in to just punch iceland in the face
yeah.... everyone is a nerd
glinda sang songs about loathing people like you guys back in freshman year
glinda your most treasured and desired possession is a huge book
it's not her fault it's not a pretty dress that distorts reality according to her will
Iceland has been in a downward spiral for weeks okay
did you see the post where Iceland sat out in the graveyard like a creep talking to corpses, cappy...
this is the problem with CC
there is no one willing to just punch people out of downward spirals
actually did I link that in the private conversation post
belated oh my goding at iceland
is it the talking to corpses thing
kind of yes except maya does that too
it's just general oh my goding at iceland
iceland went out at night like a creeper and took his gun out and stuff like a weirdo
austria and spain watching like concerned dead parents
i just got back from company WHAT IS HAPPENING
hidden dangan and also stiles died
mm1 rescue squad was here all along

I go away from one night and bam biggest plot twist
god I am so mad I wasn't at my computer for the reveal
but where will gundam sleep now
that is some mob stuff right there i feel like
Maribelle is going to suggest he have an escort at all times
he can sleep with Apollo or someone
no that's inappropriate!!
What if he took advantage of- ahahaha no...
(but super dramatic bunny blanketforts)
god that would be adorable I give it my blessing
Maribelle doesn't but I do