This is weird, because I was just reading Hellboy: Box Full of Evil that touches a lot on names, and then this meme pops up.
For Hellboy, his name is, well... Hellboy.
YEP. That's his given name. Though let's face it. Big red demon guy named 'Steve' or 'Bob' would just seem off.
The name was sort of accidentally given to him by his adoptive father
When he first showed up, the guys that were there were like "He just looks like a little boy."
Because a little demon baby with a 200lb stone hand has to be harmless, right?
Then Bruttenholm just kind of muttered to himself "Hellboy..." and the name stuck.
Nobody really realized how much of a regular guy Hellboy would grow up to be, and how awkward the name would be in the long-run. As a baby, he was more of a mascot than a real person.
But for the most part that changed with time
Hellboy tends to sign his letters as HB, and his friends are apt to call him that, too
"Red" to a much lesser degree. More in teasing.
And then there's the lovely other nicknames. Like "Circus Ape"
And the even more unflattering "Beast of the Apocalypse"
"World Destroyer", "The Great Beast"
In Hell, he was given the name Anung un Rama, which meant all those less-than-favorable things
Though he gave up that name when he gave up the Crown of the Apocalypse (long story)
Still, it doesn't keep people from calling him that. (Mostly demons and the like)
On a lighter note, as a kid, they used to call him "Peanut"
Hellboy was born back in '44, which makes him an old fart
Canon point lands him at 62, though he's 63 now if you count confusing in-game timelines.
Raphael is Raphael to strangers. You have to earn anything else.
He will always introduce himself as Raphael
"Raph" for friends and his brothers. If family calls him by his full name, he's probably in trouble.
And then the infamous "Raphie"
No one is allowed to call him that.
Except for some very choice situations. And only his brothers.
ngl: getting to call him "Raphie" without consequence is one of my favorite part of RPing chibis.
YES as a kid he was Raphie
Now he's too big for baby names bluh bluh bluh
Though if one of his brothers is in trouble and calls him Raphie HE IS GONNA BE THERE TO KICK SOME FUCKING ASS.
I remember when Donnie called for him when he was fighting back the Foot in April's shop. Back when Leo was out of commission
He'd been telling him to just hold on, he's dealing with his own crap, but Don calls out "Raphie!" and he's FUCKING RIGHT THERE kicking ass and taking names
Also hothead. How did he ever pick up that nickname, I wonder?
From what I can deduce, the guys in the 2k3 cartoon were born in 1988
The canon point I took Raph from made him 18 at the time
He's probably 19 in game by now
I forgot to mention that Hellboy is actually like 400 years old B|
He didn't come to Earth until '44, but spent all that time in Hell as a baby and remembers none of it