10 years ago
Why is it that, while growing up, going to college is so important when only so many people can afford it? I mean really, it's like if your not going to college right out of high school your lazy.
latest #23
10 years ago
Growing up is scary.
10 years ago
Seeeee, I have to go to school to Do stuff with the ADL
10 years ago
I use to be so set with the military, but I really want to do civil rights things with the ADL. It would make me happier. It's just harder cuz I need a Bachelors Degree
10 years ago
High school sucks, the only reason I am trying to be on top of this stuff because I need scholarships.
10 years ago
The Knolscares one didn't work out, and it was for a lot of money.
10 years ago
This is probably why I didnt get it dX
10 years ago
I was typing quickly dx
10 years ago
I am starting to think the only chance of getting a scholarship is through AFJROTC, but just because your in charge something doesn't you get something for it.
still a sotto
10 years ago
To be honest? In this day and age a bachelor's degree doesn't mean much unless it's specifically required for whatever you're going for. I'd say experience and determination would take you further, career-wise.
still a sotto
10 years ago
But if you have to go to college (and I don't mean in a "everyone else is" but "yeah this dream job literally writes out I need a bachelor's to apply"), you might as well enjoy the experience.
still a sotto
10 years ago
I don't regret going to college, despite being five figures in student debt alone, because the community you get immersed in is like nothing you'll experience in high school, or work.
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