I have two options, each of which has suboptions. Option 1 is, I scoop everything out, and make the existing water clear. This was what I was thinking of at first.
But there is a good few FEET of leafmold at the bottom. To get that to the surface, drained and into trash sacks, and left for trashmen... that's weeks of heavy, stinky work.
Unpleasant for me, and the neighborhood. I'm willing to do it if needs be, but only if it's worth it. I'd be left with a muddy pool of cloudy brown sludge, which I'd still need to filter and clean.
Option 2 is to drain and refill. I thought water costs would be crazy, but no: I can refill the whole pool from the hose for about $40.
The pool's concrete lined, so emptying will cause it to rise up above ground if it's left too long: but a couple of days when it's not been raining too heavily should be fine.
This will also give me a chance to scrub down and bleach or maybe acid-treat the walls.
I was wondering if there were pumps that could pump out the crud, and apparently they exist: I'd probably want a "3 inch mud pump", given how bad it's got.
Rental of these is <$100.
But question is, would I be better off getting a company in to do the whole pool cleaning for me?
you should call several of the companies to come and give you quotes on how much it would cost. it might not be worth your time to do it yourself if their prices is right.
it's a great idea to get a few quotes and ask them for a specification of the work they would do. Then you can decide whether to do it yourself or get someone to do it. Definitely draining and refilling seems
like the better option to me.
definitely hoover the sludge out. The binmen here would not take that - do they there?
All for the "take off and nuke it from space approach" it's the only way to be sure
failing that option, get a bloke in
a nuclear bloke sounds the best oprion.
And yes, there's a recycling thing for garden waste including leaves, compost, etc. But nice if I can get someone to deal with it for me, rather than having to bag it and take it to the kerbside my stinky self.
And today's news: the house has a flea infestation. Current tenants aren't taking that seriously, so that'll be another clear-everyone-out-and-nuke...