10 years ago
You know what I think more people should do? Form your own opinions. If more people did that, then I wouldn't get so annoyed. You can have the same opinion as someone else -
latest #14
10 years ago
but at least you would get there on your own instead of following along with someone else's points.
10 years ago
Tumblr does this alot.
10 years ago
10 years ago
And it drives me insane. Case in point, that whole Lucy is racist thing.
10 years ago
Like, all right, fine. I'll get shit for this because 'oh no, privileged white girl trying to tell us poor oppressed people what racism is'
10 years ago
But listen. Honestly. I get your points. I do. It's stupid for them to sprawl gibberish on the walls. But a lot of movies do that. For all languages. Doesnt make it right, but its laziness. I'm sure they didnt
10 years ago
do it to put asians in their place or whatever. But it doesn't matter. I get people wanting more representation. I do. I even support it, but I also heavily support people's work and their vision. Yes its
10 years ago
another white protagonist in an asian country. I get it. I know. But I think, honestly, people are (and by people i mean a lot of tumblr) are getting their panties in a twist over something that I have not
10 years ago
seen at work. I work in a movie theater. A brand new one that is doing a lot of business. We've sold out plenty of showings and I was happy to see how diverse the theaters were. There were plenty of asians
10 years ago
coming out of the theater laughing, smiling, and happy. I tell them to have a good day/night and even asked a few groups of people how they liked it. No one has told me anything other than 'it was great'
10 years ago
no one
10 years ago
So yeah, some people might be offended nad consider it racism, but I haven't seen a single damn person, asian or otherwise who has come out of the movie in my place of work looking like they were offended.
10 years ago
Take it how you will, but I'm going to groan and eye roll everyone until they go see the movie themselves and form their own opinion. Otherwise, you know what. You're entitled to it, go for it, but I won't
10 years ago
really take you seriously.
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