Shader says
10 years ago
I made all the things on my screen I can see them!
latest #10
10 years ago
that sounds like a plus
10 years ago
hurray for huge fonts!
10 years ago
It was...a lot of plusses. What good is having a...what? 36 inch? monitor if I have to sit with my nose on the screen to see anything?
10 years ago
10 years ago
^ exactly
t r y ii a n says
10 years ago
just drop the resolution down a step or two, if you haven't already
t r y ii a n says
10 years ago
you'd probably not like the 4K monitor i/we bought recently... 3840x2160 squished into only 28 diagonal inches. at full res and normal font size you can pretty much only read ... well...
t r y ii a n says
10 years ago
without a microscope or telescope that is
10 years ago I'm blind enough as is. My vision is already packing at 26, no reason for all that. Movies and shit? High res is fine but do NOT throw in texts and itty bitty little icons. :/
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