9 years ago
Right so, I know I'm not very active on this site. But I'm going through the worst breakup right now and I could really use some friends right now.
latest #14
9 years ago
Basically he dumped me over text message then gave me false hope for three days.
Cameron says
9 years ago
hugs I am so sorry sweetheart.
9 years ago
shar1234: Thank you.
9 years ago
And I feel like I pushed him away tonight because I didn't want to but I ended up begging him to give us another chance and crying in front of him and I think that just killed it.
9 years ago
But I guess I'm kind of glad I did because now that everything is final I can take steps toward moving forward. It just really sting right now and I don't know how I'll ever feel better.
9 years ago
I haven't been eating because everytime I try I get sick. And everytime I try to sleep I dream of him and then wake up feeling worse.
Cameron says
9 years ago
yeah. I know my husband has a coworker going through the same thing. Try to eat something small till you can try to eat something bigger.
Cameron says
9 years ago
However if he is treating you rudely he don't deserve you and you don't need to be with that.
9 years ago
shar1234: Ive been munching down a few crackers and stuff when I can because making myself sick isn't going to solve anything.
Cameron says
9 years ago
that's good.
9 years ago
Right now I'm just trying to rely on my family and reach out and make some friends. I really didn't have any other than his so I'm trying to create connections.
Cameron says
9 years ago
I understand that.
9 years ago
That's the worst, I'm so sorry. (hugs)
9 years ago
thehypocriticalcritic: Thank you, that means a lot.
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