7/22 18:00~20:00 oracle meeting room, Taiwan MySQL Group
MySQL Global Business Unit Sales Consulting Senior Manager, JAPAC
MySQL 5.5, 5.6, MySQL Cluster 7.3, MySQL Utilities, MySQL Enterprise, MySQL Applier for Hadoop
Oracle 定位: Database Platform for Next Gen Web Apps
MySQL 5.5 -> 5.6: 234% Performance Gain
Replication: Binary Log Group Commit
10% overhead when configuring: sync_binlog=0
Additional 5% when configuring: sync_binlog=1
Save option: sync=1, 危險方案 Sync=0
MySQL5.6: InnoDB - NoSQL Key Value Access to InnoDB
Key-value access to InnoDB via familiar Memcached API
Main objective: Users should be satisfied
Throughput、Latency / Response time、Scalability、Combined metrics
Main objective: Users (direct or indirect) should be satisfied
User response time = queueing delay + service time
Service Time: Key to the hotspot
Indirect measurements: CPU、Disk IO、Network traffic、Load Average
SysBench: sysbench sourceforge
SQL 慢的問題: Is this the largest risk/bottleneck?
system variables: show variables like 'auto%';
status variables: show status like 'innodb_buf%';
Flush status; <run query>; show status;
mysqladmin -u -p ... ex -i 15 -r | grep -v 0
MySQL Server Architecture 圖
Connection Thread Pool: Single process, multi thread
Storage Engines:InnoDB Thread engine 直接寫入 DB
Server connections & threads
max_connections (151): per connections memory usage, thread_cache_size(8): max_connections / 3
thread_cache_size(8): Keep up to this amount of thread "cached" after discounnect
Threads_created: thread_cache misses should be low.
Connection Thread work buffers
soft_buffer_size(2M): often fine at 512K or 1M
other buffers, read, read_rnd, etc...: smaller defaults often OK
mysql> show status; Sort_merge_passes - number of passes made during file merge sort.
check if file sort needs to the done at all
query_cache_size(0): Amount of memory to use for query cache
Typically 32M is fine, some database need 128M
query_cache_type (ON): Worst case performance overhead is aboue 15%-20%
Favor servers with higher SELECT/WRITE ratios
"Storage Engines": InnoDB Performace Tips
innodb_buffer_pool_size: 80% of memory on Innodb only system, caches data & indexes unlike MyISAM
innodb_log_file_size: A key parameter for wrtie performance
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: 1 (slow) Truly ACID, 2(fase) OS cache on commit, sync to disk once/sec. 0 (fastest) will flush (fsync) log every second or so
innodb_file_per_table: always good choice to distribute i/o, Default ON from 5.6
show engine Innodb status;
Geat Way to see what is going on inside InnoDB, hard to parse: FILE IO / Buffer Pool / Log activity / Row activity
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
innodb_buffer_pool_instances (5.5+)
innodb_read_io_threads / innodb_write_io_thrads(5.5+)
innodb_io_capactity: default 200 is good for 2 disks striped
innodb_read_io_threads / innodb_write_io_thrads: default 4 is usually good enough
Monitoring Queries: Slow Query Log
Query_time, 重點看 Lock_time.
Fixing Problem Queries - EXPLAIN
Analyize: How indes are being used, required file sorts, what tables, columns are being queried
MySQL Enterprise Edition Whth Thread Pool 1024 以上可以正常運作, MySQL Community Server Without Thread Pool 就會往下調
MySQL 5.7 95% Faster than MySQL 5.6/
MySQL 5.6, 57 速度 > Percona 5.6 > Maria DB 5.6