10 years ago
So, Is everyone that left because of the last TOS freakout returning now that the new new TOS is out?
latest #7
Leyton says
10 years ago
There was a TOS freak out?
LeytonForest: Yeah, some people left SL because the wording of the TOS was such that it boiled down to "WE OWN YOU AND THE STUFF YOU MAKE" and they seems to have recanted that.
10 years ago
Did anyone actually leave though?
10 years ago
I mean, for real, and not just for a day or two.
I'unno, I wasn't really paying attention. But a whole lot of people certainly talked up a whole lot of angry at the time.
10 years ago
Yeah, but people do that every time LL nudges a pixel. It's all RAGEFACE for a day and then they get used to it.
10 years ago
Rob.. baby.. Papa.. Buddy. Pal.. I need you.. to dumb this shit down for me.. Do I stay or do I go now? :-D
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