wow so much has happened since the last time i plurked a plurk
latest #22
yeah like over a year ago
i'm good at the social medias
I feel like I should make a list of things that have happened lol
I made my first (2) solo roadtrips!
I got a girlfriend and also ended the relationship but we're friends now so everything's okay!
I kissed a girl (and liked it)!
I came out to my mom for like the 3-4 time and it finally stuck
And she was going to kick me out for a while but then decided not to
and she's started calling me Alex
Speaking of which, my name's going to be legally changed in just over a month!
To a much more diversity inclusive place
I came out about being bi like 2 weeks into working there
and I'm out about being trans to 3 coworkers, and a few more /know/ I'm pretty sure
Like the other day I told one coworker my name change was about to go through, and she asked if I was changing it to Alexander....
alskdfjasd I wish I was. I will sign everything Alexander as soon as I pass, ngl
ahaha wow hey alex good job looking popular... just fill up a plurk on your own a+ good job bro
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