S. Inu
10 years ago
[rl] okay, and finished the first version of the final thesis report! So while I wait for the feedback I can finally get to all the tags /SERIOUSLY SORRY
latest #24
S. Inu
10 years ago
I'll probably not enter on the new event, since I am way to belayed on the monster event still
S. Inu
10 years ago
Plus, new castmates /note to self: stallk the community for the new posts
S. Inu
10 years ago
Also lecanis, sorry, Kuroko has been missing in action with Mikado after the dream event, do you want them to meet and have that... well, whatever it will come out from them meeting after that xD
10 years ago
Mikado was dropped
10 years ago
sooooo...there won't be anything going on there
S. Inu
10 years ago
4559yu59 omg, seriously T__T
S. Inu
10 years ago
I can't believe I missed that
10 years ago
it was very recent
10 years ago
like yesterday or the day before or something
S. Inu
10 years ago
ah man ; ; I was in the thesis finish marathon.
S. Inu
10 years ago
Ah well... sobs /still a bit in shock now
10 years ago
10 years ago
Kise will still be there for you, Kuroko ;.;
S. Inu
10 years ago
10 years ago
The Fool zegt
10 years ago
aggh so sorry to drop so suddenly, but my inbox would not get under 100 owed tags and way too many were serious/heavy for my stress levels
The Fool zegt
10 years ago
so I cut down to just my newer characters who are less prone to darker/heavier stuff.
The Fool zegt
10 years ago
I do still have Ai, so we still have a thread going?
The Fool zegt
10 years ago
sorry though. it was really sudden, but my stress levels have been crazy lately.
10 years ago
\o/ Welcome back to tagland! Your light missed you :3
S. Inu
10 years ago
lecanis: no no, it is okay. it happens and if it was stressing it is better to just drop. Just was sort of caught by surprise.
S. Inu
10 years ago
And there is always Ai <3 I'll miss your mikado tho <3 you were amazing at playing him.
S. Inu
10 years ago
saruzake: You have no idea how much I was grinning at work while tagging you back <3 gosh, was so happy when i reached that tag at last XD
The Fool
10 years ago
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you understand though.
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