muthafuckintrex says
10 years ago
And then I alienated half the people I know by saying I was considering joining the police.
latest #10
10 years ago
Hooray for the non judgemental attitude of the alternative lifestyle!
why are they judging you for wanting to join the police....
Yarn Temptress says
10 years ago
I'd be incredibly worried about you, but not judgy. ...Then again, one of my uncles is a cop so that might be why.
Prepawsterous ☋
10 years ago
I'd respect you for that tbh
10 years ago
That... Did not go how I thought it would. Not sure whether my quick put down of any argument was responsible but everyone's being fine.
10 years ago
Why would people judge you for wanting to join the police?
10 years ago
oh man is that the knee-jerk STICK IT TO THE MAN coming out
10 years ago
Pretty much, Fel. Although not as much as I thought.
10 years ago
yeah i just saw the post in question
10 years ago
what the fuck 8|
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